Win 1 of 5 Copies of Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian DVD/Blu-Ray

One of the side effects of letting my kids watch Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian is that they started asking, "When are we going to Washington D.C. to see the Smithsonian in real life?"

Sigh, as soon as you get a bit older and your mom gets some ducats to fly four people to D.C., stay in a hotel and feed you for a week, OK?

In the meantime, they can have some much less expensive fun with the film's star-studded cast: Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Amy Adams, Hank Azaria (I'm still not feeling him being cast as an Egyptian pharaoh but whatever), and the always entertaining Robin Williams.

Want to stuff this DVD in someone's Hanukkah/Christmas/Kwanzaa/Birthday/Just Because stocking?

Of course you do! Enter to win one of five copies of a special two-disc DVD/Blu-ray combo pack! This special edition also comes with an additional approximately 30 minute short film called "Monkey Mischief" - pretty cute if your kids are into the monkeys in the movie.

To enter:

  • You must live in the United States
  • Leave a comment and a working contact email by 11:59 p.m. PST on Thursday, November 26, 2009. Please also leave a name. If you are anonymous and I can't tell who you are, your comment entry will be disqualified.
  • For additional giveaway rules and legal disclaimers, please click here.
Five winners will be randomly selected. I'll contact the winners on Friday, November 27, 2009. If there's no response within 48 hours, I'll pick another winner.

Want Additional Entries?
  • Post this giveaway on Twitter. Leave a comment letting me know you did so.
  • Post this giveaway on your blog. Leave a comment with a link to the site you posted it on.
Good luck to you and if you don't win, this combo pack gets officially released on 12/1/09 and will retail for $34.98... but psst, it's on sale and available for pre-order on Amazon!

**************************ANNOUNCING OUR WINNERS!!!******************************
Thanks to everyone who entered! Our five winners are:
1) Sippinwineman
2) Jennifer
3) DecafSkimLatte
4) I am not Star Jones
5) THE Disneyland Mom

Winners, be on a lookout for an email from me - please respond within 48 hours! Thanks!


Lucrecer said…
We loved the first movie. My kids are going to love this one for sure.
lucrecerb AT yahoo DOT com
Anne said…
Hi Los Angelista,
Submitting my entry!
Hawiza Sharpe said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hawiza Sharpe said…
Submitting my entry!
I am also tweeting this!

Stacy said…
Submitting my entry!
Cassie said…
My husband loved this movie. I want to win it so I can give it to him for Christmas LOL.

cassie at jmcgraw dot net
Cassie said…
I tweeted about it. @keithcs

cassie at jmcgraw dot net
Jennifer said…
Sounds great!Would love to watch it!
Anonymous said…
I'd love to watch this since I didn't get to watch it in the theater.

unellie at hotmail dot com
Anonymous said…
this would be a great stocking stuffer for my sister who is a movie junkie

eugenechoi AT hotmail DOT com
Anonymous said…
I want to win
Anonymous said…
My daughter loved this movie. It would be great for her collection.

jacks508 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
Anonymous said…
I tweeted

jacks508 (at) sbcglobal (dot) com
sippinwineman said…
Okay, I'll bite. Tell your boys to look up in sky and give thanks for the relatively warm weather they enjoy. If they were visiting D.C. today they'd need to wrap up a little more. And Mom, 99% of the museums are free.
Joyce Rocks said…

Hello. I never saw this movie. It looks scary, but if I win, I promise to watch it.
This is a great movie! My husband and I actually saw it over the summer on the IMAX screen at the National Air and Space Museum in DC! It was fun seeing Night at the Museum at one of the museums!

tech savvy mama at g mail dot com
I tweeted!

tech savvy mama at g mail dot com
Unknown said…
I LOVED the first "Night At The Museum" - this is great!
number9 said…
Honestly, we haven't seen this one, but sure would love to!
MartiniCocoa said…
submitting my entry

martinicocoa at gmail dot com
YvonneinLA said…
I would love to win this movie. Thanks!
Went to the Smithsonian in the 8th grade. FUN!

ok, this is my first time entering one of your contents. let's hop for beginner's luck!

theprisonerswife at
Unknown said…
I would love to win! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Unknown said…
Submitting by entry.
therecessionista dot yahoo dot com

Also, just gave you a TWEET a@Recessionista

Thanks for the giveaway!