My Huge, Big, Ginormous Hair

He took a picture of me with my BlackBerry camera. Don't I look sooo psyched?
Then he discovered the fact that the word "frizz" rhymes with my name. So until I
True, it was a little frizzy due to it's getting a little damp in the shower but still, the child was
My other son, Mr. Angel Wings Are Sprouting, reassured me. "I will love you forever no matter how big and frizzy your hair gets."
Aww, that's mommy's baby!
Anyway, late last night after I finished having a nervous breakdown over my laptop cord dying, I got to mulling over this big hair thing, because mine is definitely big.
My hair is so big that when I take pictures with another person, you know the kind where you're both trying to smush together as much as possible, sometimes my hair has to be moved so the other person's face is visible.
It's so big that on chilly LA nights, my ears no longer get cold. Very useful because I can't really get a hat over it.
But let's face it. Our society doesn't really like big hair all that much. If you have big hair, you're a rebel, you're artsy, you're exotic. You get told dumb stuff like, "So are you an actress? I would've thought it looking at your hair."
No, if I was an actress, I'd probably have to have a weave to make me more "marketable".
Alas, in our society, you're only supposed to bust out the big hair when you're on a hot date and you're trying to look a little sexy. Remember, Jennifer Aniston's hair is still only "friend" hair no matter how hard she tries.
To get the man, you need to unleash the passionate woman hiding behind a reserved facade by letting your hair be wild and free. (Check the covers of Cosmo, King and Maxim if you don't believe me.)
But when you go to work, unless your job is a strip club, you better lock that hair up! Hello, helmet hair!
Maybe what I'm really musing over is who decides what hair is professional or not? What's sexpot or not? Why does big hair have to be stereotyped as sexy and exotic?
All I know is that my little boy better get used to the frizz. The big natural hair isn't going anywhere.
Thanks for saying so. I like your biases! :)
You can do it! :) I did that 6 month thing for a few years too. I always felt like such a failure, like what was wrong with me that I couldn't commit to not having straight hair. But you know, when the time is right for you, you'll know. Otherwise, I think your hair looks lovely! :)
Call Fam,
Oh yes, he's moved on to Frizzy Lizzy. And I threatened to not take him to Disneyland tomorrow. I felt like mushroom head the other day but gosh, that's not a fun spot to be in as a child when you get teased more. I have to check out this Chase commercial! Sounds cool!
Oh it was definitely a little frizzy but why does that have to be a bad thing? I hope as the world expands its horizons that some of these old-fashioned notions about what's respectable or professional get ditched.
To me, that is not big hair. Chaka Khan or Farrah Fawcett circa mid '70s? Now that is some big hair and I see nothing wrong with it. Those women looked fantastic. Why/how did that trend end?