
Showing posts from 2007

Reflections on 2007

Why I Don't Use UPS If I Can Help It

Grateful to Have So Many Candles

Don't Call Me at 5:26 AM on My Birthday!

Assassins and Child Molesters

Christmas + Chai + Candied Yams = Happiness

O, Come All Ye Flirtatious Liars

All Points Bulletin: Techno the Hamster

C'mon, Make it a "Day Without a Disposable Bag"

Jamie Lynn Spears: Statutory Rape?

Did My Neighbors Break Up?

A Lightning Bolt is Going to Strike Me

Dear Sweeny Todd

Even The Homeless Enjoy Benny Goodman

The Photoshop Experiment

I'm Glad I Have Sons Instead of Daughters

Traffic, Bad Schools, Environment, Housing: LA Gets A "D"

Zeitgeist Reality?

The Rolling Stone Surprise