
Showing posts from 2011

The Obligatory Los Angelista 2011 Year-in-Review Post

Having the Sex Talk

I Can't Tell You My Birthday Wishes

Some Risks Are Worth Taking

Sometimes There Are Tears on Christmas

3 Reasons I May Go Into Hiding Till December 26th

Want to Buy Cold Medicine at Target? They'll Try to Scan Your Driver's License

"If I Was a Black Kid": Grammatically Incorrect Racism at Forbes

There's Sagging, and Then There's Captain Red Underpants

When Lightning Strikes Twice: I Met Depeche Mode's Martin Gore AGAIN!

Yes, Tintin Is Crazy Racist and Anti-Semitic. No My Kids Won't See It

Yes, I'm Calling the Cops if I See Your Grade School Age Kid Walking Alone at Night

Lovers and Prayers

Muppets Are For the Lovers, the Dreamers and Me

A Butt Made of Fix-a-Flat? What Would The Hottentot Venus Say?