I'm Rocking The Frito Lay Hairnet!

In case you didn't know, hairnet fashion in the latest big trend coming out of Los Angeles. Really, who knew there's a hairnet big enough to cover my super afro? And to think I would've never discovered this if I hadn't checked out the Frito Lay factory out in Rancho Cucamonga. (I know, what a name!)

But what was I doing at a Frito Lay plant?

I went for the hairnets, of course. And now, I am the epitome of LA hipster in my clear glasses and the hairnet!

Just kidding. I'll tell you all about my Frito Lay adventures tomorrow, including how I met Brooke Burke AND Mel B at the Frito Lay event at Coco De Ville in West Hollywood. I would tell you now but I'm just super exhausted and almost fell over onto my computer just now.

In the meantime, go get your hairnet so that I know you're styling just like me!


Anonymous said…
Can't wait for the rest of the pics! Mmmm... crunchy goodness. No baked snacks here yet.
Liz Dwyer said…
No baked snacks there? They need to hurry up and get you some!
Shiona said…
Sounds fun! I too am in love with those Fritos. Give me some chili and cheese pure junk food bliss. Well it's good thinking about it anyway :)
Anonymous said…
Los Angelista,
Groovin' on the nairnet thing.
Frito Lay? Only got one word:
Love the orange fingers afterwards...
Liz Dwyer said…
I'll write about this later but I got a bag of Doritos right after it had been sealed! It was still warm! CRAZY! :)

I came home with several bags of Cheetos, much to the joy of my sons. I'm going to have to ration them out to them so they don't turn orange or something! I think I could wear the plastic glasses outside and someone around here would think it's cool. Not sure if I could get away with the hair net though.
Jen said…
Hairnets and fritos in the same place?

That MUST have been a good time.
Liz Dwyer said…
It was SO fun! Fritos, Doritos, Cheetos, Tostitos, and some of those tasty Flat Earth chips. Yum!
DJ Black Adam said…
Oh man! Did you get any of those Sweet Chili Doritos! I love those!
Liz Dwyer said…
YES! That's the bag I got right after it had been sealed and it was STILL warm! Those are REALLY good. I'm scared to open it though because I don't want to eat the whole thing! :)
Jameil said…
that is the scariest picture ever!! lol.
Liz Dwyer said…
I know! I look like I just emerged from a bad episode of Laverne & Shirley!
Anonymous said…
Love the hat. I think you could easily make a fashion statement out of it.... like, you know, I mean, you're so blue collar ;)