If GM Is Giving Cars At 0% Interest, How About A College Education???

Welcome back for the afternoon session of the State of the Black Union. This should be interesting because we have Lani Guinier, Dr. Cornel West, Michael Steele, Al Sharpton, Dr. Julianne Malveaux, Randell Robinson and my absolute favorite, Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu together all on one stage. If you don't know who these folks are, trust me, you need to do some Googling.

Tavis is narrating and is starting off with RNC Chair, Michael Steele. Steele is talking about how the Republican party walked away from the black community and walked away from civil rights and decided to employ a southern strategy.

Tavis asks Michael Steele, "What do you think of the timing of you being elected chairman." Steele says he doesn't think it's a matter of him being put into power so that one black man can challenge another. Interesting, because that's what 95% of the rest of the room thinks. I get that Michael Steele is super qualified and was Lt. Governor of Maryland, but, c'mon, I saw the lack of diversity at the Republican National Convention, just like everybody else.

Dr. Julianne Malveaux is starting off talking about the mortgage crisis. Says have not paid attention to labor market. Mentions that the unemployment rate nationally in January is around 7.6%. That equals about 12.9% unemployment for black people and 14.1 for black men. But, these numbers are not counting the people who have simply stopped looking for work. What this actually means is that the 12.9% unemployment is really closer to 20%. In reality, 1-5 black folks does not have a job. WOWZER!

Julianne feels that that no one is hating on rich people. She feels rich people took from poor people unfairly due to the financial/legislative structure.

Notes that people need to stop voting along party lines and instead need to do what's right for people! "Brother Steele, I love you but you need to get your people in line!"

"If GM Is Giving Cars At 0% Interest, How About A College Education???" Wow, AMEN on that because Student Loan debt is no joke!


Shiona said…
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Shiona said…
I also agree with the 95% of the room on Michael Steele.