When It's Gorgeous In Los Angeles

You know what happens when it's a gorgeous Friday in Los Angeles?
I go outside and watch the grass grow. Actually, just kidding. I'm headed to Freakbeat Records in Sherman Oaks. I'm in search of some Depeche Mode vinyl. It's too gorgeous to stay inside and be online. You know?


Anonymous said…
Los Angelista,
When the sun busts out here, I can’t wait to get outside. Go for a run, play in the park, just hang out, whatever.

Except wash the car, lol.

Oh, cut this out just for you:

Depeche Mode
August 16 - 17
Hollywood Bowl
Los Angeles, CA
On Sale Sun, 3/15, 10 am
More Info

I can picture you around 9:55 AM, “Open, open, open …”
Laura Harley said…
Yes, it is so gorgeous today! Glad you are out and about enjoying it. Hope you find that vinyl :).
Liz Dwyer said…
Yep, it's sunny here so often, but today is just perfect. Not too hot, not too cold... dang, I feel like Goldilocks cos it's just right! Ha-ha!

Yes, I already have tix for the 17th and will probably get some for the 16th as well. My sister is coming out to go to the show on the 17th with me! Can't wait! :)

Isn't it beautiful? I didn't get any Mode vinyl because they didn't have anything I don't already have, but it's a cute shop and I picked up an Art of Noise record I don't have and a few other things.
Ian Lidster said…
I hope you had a lovely day and got your vinyl too. Actually it felt like spring around here, too, finally.
commoncents said…
Nice post!

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the last noel said…
It is a gorgeous day. Even working in downtown seems fresh and new.
Anonymous said…
It's been gorgeous and so cold here. This afternoon, I went out to watch the bees - that's when the world stops, and I am covered with a sense of true harmony.
sippinwineman said…
sigh. I'll put it the best way that I can.. . .

F*!@% SoCal sunshine!!

I've got 3 days of London bleakness - in DC no less.

Imagine a guy walking with a small gray rain cloud over head. . . replace the rain cloud with Depeche Mode's single from you next post. . .and make the surroundings gray and cloudy and, just miserable, you'd have Washington, DC for this whole weekend.

I'm happy that you (y'all) are happy. I'm just frustrated that I cannot share it.
Jameil said…
lol. glad you had a happy friday!
Anonymous said…
No one should stay in side on a gorgeous day anywhere.
Liz Dwyer said…
Another gorgeous day today, y'all! You should move to LA! :)