Back To School Winner!

You all had some worries I hadn't even thought of! For example, Daniel -- who does not have a blog but should -- is worried about back to school shopping with his teenage daughter.
"Ever thought about being a clueless Dad and looking at all the “Hoochy-momma” outfits my teenage girl keeps pulling off the racks?! I swear one day we gonna go toe-to-toe right in some isle in a ‘fashion boutique’ outlet. (I’d surely lose too; I can’t hit females. No matter what they do. Just not right.). No matter how many times I go over it beforehand, about what I’ll allow, what’s appropriate an’ all, when we get there, she thinks public pressure, endless complaining about my fashion cluelessness and such will make me compromise. AARRRGGG!"Daniel, you should just say what my mom used to: "If you complain, we can walk out of here with no new clothes, period." Because I knew my mom would do it, I don't think we ever argued over clothes.
Mel, A Dramatic Mommy worried:
"My son loves school (thankfully) but he's a Chatty Patty. I worry that he'll be labeled as a trouble maker. I also worry that, as an only child, he doesn't have good conflict resolution skills. I don't want him picking or getting into fights, but I don't want him to be a doormat either now that he's mixed in with the older kids."I can relate, my youngest is a talker, too. And sometimes he just does NOT know when to zip it! Hmm...I wonder where he gets that from...
Houseonahill has a worry I know is in my future.
"My biggest back to school worries are that my boy is now a man. Entering 8th grade, he has begun the challenges of being a colored teen male in Chicago. I must give him certain freedom and pray that the coaching and survival counseling will stick~if it doesn't he may end up in another world. I also worry because he is worrying about H.S. choices, money woes and which sports to choose...Ah, life, right??"Dear World, Please fix all your racist tendencies in the five years I have till my son ends up in 8th grade. Thank you. (In my wildest dreams, right?)
I also have to give some special love to all the adults like Cyndee (another one with no blog but she needs one!) that are going back to school.
"My biggest back to school worry is being able to succeed after being away for so long. Registered last week for three classes. Just worried w/a full time job and a part time job if I'll be able to juggle all that and still have time to be a wife and a mother."I'm rooting for ALL of you adults who are going back to school. You can do it!
In any case, my randomly chosen winner is... Lucrecer of Art Slam! She's got a balanced approach because she says, "Biggest worry for me is that I don't worry about my kids first day. Usually, all is fine, but I can not help but think about them."
Again, thanks everybody for entering and sharing your worries! Also, don't forget that Hallmark has put together this great resource to help you calm the butterflies and build your kids’ confidence. Just for joining the conversation over there you’ll be entered to win $500. Check it out.
In the meantime, the first day of school is creeping closer! My five year-old has been getting up and putting a backpack on every morning. My other son? Not so much! He's still worrying about who his new teacher is going to be.
Not too long till he finds out!
You are welcome! I'm headed to the post office today!
I'm starting to really love rooting at the giveaways!
Liz, maybe if we repeat it enough it will really happen:
"Dear World, Please fix all your racist tendencies in the five years I have till my son ends up in 8th grade. Thank you." - Liz and Dwana
Hugs ~
I've got it on broken record repeat... :)