I'm One of Parenting & BlogHer's Must Read Moms!
Two major things happened to me this week.
1) Jody Watley replied to me on Twitter. Yes, JODY WATLEY!
It's a real honor to be named one of the Must Read Moms. I'm soooo thrilled about it. They picked 10 bloggers nationwide and wow, I'm one of them! Here's what they said about me:
"Why We Love Her: Los Angelista covers the full range of Liz's life -- from the inane to the important in news and life in L.A. Her perspective as a Bi-racial woman, mother and writer is always witty, honest and personal."
I also wrote an exclusive piece for them - available on the site and in the September issue of the magazine - about how my sons identify me as being white.
Why'd I pick that topic? Well, racial identity is so fixed in our minds. We think we know it all when it comes to identifying someone as black or white. Sure, we acknowledge that there are some shades of grey in there - but ultimately, we tell ourselves, "When it comes down to it, such and such is black (or white... or insert the racial classification of your choice).
My kids are six and nine years old and they still are rather ambiguous about this whole merry-go-round of racial identity. To them, racial identity is a very fluid concept. For example, check out this interview with my six year-old:
I filmed him in May - and it still blows my mind to watch him turning these issues of race and identity over in his head.
Thank you so much to Parenting and BlogHer - and thank you to each of you for reading me and keeping me inspired. xoxo's -Liz
Speaking of color, I am green with envy about your curls!
Congrats on the honor.
Thanks for the congrats and you are MUCH too kind to say such nice things about this blog. Wow, I'm so touched. {hug}
Was there really? Oh that's so cool. I wish I'd been able to go to BlogHer and see it for myself & snap a photo. ;)
Lavender Luz,
Thank you so much for reading. It gives me a lot to think about too! I wish my hair looked like that every day - that was a particularly good hair day - glad I snapped a photo of myself because a month later, Parenting needed a halfway decent photo of me. ;)
Sure is! Thanks for the good wishes!