Rallying To End Child Hunger With A Depeche Mode Twist!

I planned to buy lots of ice cream on May 2nd. My two sons even stuffed their jean pockets with all the cash from their piggy banks- they were SO ready to purchase and eat all the ice cream they could.

But, thanks to the guy who crashed his car into mine on May 2nd, and my subsequent not-so-fun trip to the UCLA emergency room, we missed out on fellow Los Angeles’ blogger Andrea Fellman of Savvy Sassy Moms ’s neighborhood rally, a super fun “ice cream social” with all proceeds benefitting the ConAgra Foods Child Hunger Ends Here campaign benefiting Feeding America

Andrea’s rally epitomized the heart of the campaign -raising awareness about the problem of child hunger since nearly one in four children in America experiences it, and then doing something about it on the community level. As Andrea shares on her blog, some ice cream vendors weren’t down to help out the cause (and were downright rude!) but mom-owned Los Angeles ice cream truck company King Kone came through and agreed to donate their tasty treats.

Andrea spread word about the rally through her blog and on Twitter – that’s how I found out about it. She also used low-tech methods like passing out invitations at her daughter’s school pancake breakfast and setting up a table for donations in case people couldn’t make it.

Every dollar Andrea raised = seven meals for kids. I know of at least 14 other bloggers nationwide who also hosted neighborhood rallies that were just as fun and impactful. They each made their rallies fun and simple.

Two others I really liked were Chicago-area blogger Tamara from The Unexperienced Mom’s idea to set up a donation table at an Earth Day Event, and Courtney Velasquez from Detroit Mommies idea to get a local restaurant to co-host her rally and donate 5% of its take from one night to the cause.

During the school year, 19.5 million children receive free or reduced-price lunches through the National School Lunch Program, but only 2.2 million children receive meals during the summer months through the Summer Food Service Program.

Whether the gap is 17 million kids or even half of that number, too many kids struggle with hunger during the summer months. Because of this, please consider registering to host your own rally. Every dollar raised and donated online will stay in your community to help kids in need.

Any event you’d like to host in your community – a block party, a BBQ, a beautification or community garden effort, even a garage sale to get rid of junk, can turn into a rally. The Child Hunger Ends Here website has a great toolkit that will walk you through all the simple steps to host your own. It’s not too late to get on board.

Since I couldn’t attend the rally at Andrea’s house, how about we do a virtual one here on Los Angelista… And how about we have a Depeche Mode theme for it!

If you know anything about me, you knew this was coming didn’t you? Besides the band does lots for charities around the world so I know they’d be on board to attend if they could!

Ending Hunger With Depeche Mode and Los Angelista

For every comment individual readers leave on this post sharing why they think Depeche Mode is such a fantastic band, $1 dollar will be donated on behalf of Los Angelista to the Child Hunger Ends Here campaign, up to $100!

OK, even if you don’t exactly love Depeche Mode –the thought that you don’t is confusing to me- but for the purposes of this rally, roll with me and find SOMETHING to love about them because that $100 we could raise will buy 700 meals for kids. You can even say you think their leather jackets in that picture are super hot! C'mon, it's for the kids!

Spread the word – it takes 30 seconds to leave a comment and kids will benefit from it. We’ll close our rally on June 1st. I hope you all decide to attend – hungry kids need us to participate!

*I'm working with ConAgra Foods on this campaign but all thoughts and Depeche Mode references in this post are my own!


Miss Leliel said…
I love Depeche Mode because they have taught me so much through their music, their lives, and the experiences I have had because of their music!
Miss Leliel said…
Great idea, Liz! :D
kylie (oneofthedevout) said…
this is great! i think im going to do a garage sale this summer : ) depeche mode is my sweetest perfection!
Angela said…
Depeche Mode's music has inspired me when I listen to it while writing many, many times. Their sound never gets old.
Jameil said…
I love that YOU love Depeche Mode! :)
Unknown said…
I love to hear my brother-in-law sing "Enjoy the Silence" when we play American Idol.
Panos said…
I love Depeche Mode because they have created the soundtrack of my life.
Laura said…
I love Depeche Mode for too many reasons to list here, so I'll edit myself for once on this topic...

Depeche Mode got me through a tough time in my life and have continued to encourage and comfort and inspire me for 25 years. Great music, great lyrics, great live shows and one simply adorable guitarist. <3
Anonymous said…
Great idea!!

Depeche Mode is the greatest band of all time. Nobody is sexier than Dave Gahan and his baritone voice, and the complex and deep writing skills Martin L. Gore possesses are unmatched. I identify with DM's lyrics and music and having loved them fiercely for twenty years, their music has become the soundtrack to my life. Viva Depeche!

(P.S. I am @depmodechick on Twitter & YouTube)
Stacy said…
There is something about Depeche Mode. The lyrics. The music. The vocals. The look. They are a complete package from top to bottom and I can't imagine not having their music in my life.
Sean said…
Depeche Mode's music has guided me through many dfficult times, but also accompanied fantastic moments in my life.

Also, the captcha for this message is related to the band. If random, that is awesome.
Rachel S. G. said…
What a great idea!
I love Depeche Mode because they have been one of my life teachers, they have showed me how to love, think, believe and to listen to music. They(Dave, Martin, Andy and Alan) are great souls, and I know that they will be proud that their name is being used with a good cause.
I don't think I knew anything about Depeche Mode until I met Liz via blogging. In fact, my friends and I used to call them Depeche Al la Mode. Yep, we're funny like that.

Since knowing Liz, I've listened to their past and recent music. And I have to say I like them. Odd for a girl who didn't know them not so long ago.
Eunice said…
I love the song Somebody. I felt like it was the story of my life for many years.

From Wikipedia: According to EMI, Depeche Mode have sold over 100 million albums and singles worldwide, making them the most successful electronic band in music history.
Hupcake said…
My 70 year old dad and 14 year old son both love Depeche Mode...that should speak volumes on how great this band is!
Hupcake said…
Depeche has a great fan base too. SO PASSIONATE and Loyal!!!
Sandra said…
I meant to post a long rambling comment about how I've been in love with Depeche Mode ever since I got a casette of Black Celebration some 22 years ago, but now I'm just in shock... 22 years? When did I get so old?!
Prissy said…
Depeche Mode was the background music to my high school years - love it! Awesome idea and surely the band would love it if they knew about it!
Andrea said…
I Just Can't Get Enough of DM because they always seem to Get the Balance Right. Now, I don't want to start any Blasphemous Rumors, but they may be my own Personal Jesus. You know, they Never Let Me Down, even when I'm Dreaming of Me. Their music always manages to show me the World in My Eyes. After all, People are People. Oh, I gotta run. Kids are gone and I need to Enjoy the Silence...
Daniel Barassi said…
I love Depeche Mode because they pay me to? :)

No - seriously - it's great music. How can you not?
Inke said…
I love Depeche Mode because no matter how i'm feeling, they always have a song to describe my feelings and that makes every single one of their songs special.
Anonymous said…
I have lived 23 years of my life with Depeche Mode music. Now I am 37. I welcome your initiative, Liz! Love from Romania.
aniuxca said…
Depeche Mode is a great band because they have a genius (Martin Gore), the best frontman (Dave Gahan) and the nicest guy on Earth (Andrew Fltecher), what else!!!
Unknown said…
I love Depeche Mode because the Losangelista does!
Dr. Sethi said…
Depeche Mode is the bestest band ever because my sister friend LosAngelista says so, so there!!!!! And she wants to end child hunger, so there!!! :)
Lenina said…
I love DM because they have taught me a lot about life. Good and bad.

And because I've discovered more amazing music through them.
Nerd Girl said…
I love Depeche Mode because hearing their music transports me back to my younger days when life was nothing but freedom and good times - even if I didn't realize it at the time.
Lola Gets said…
This is a great idea LA. Childhood hunger is a cause that truly touches my heart, as I experienced it when I was homeless (parental abduction) as a child. So heres my comment:

I have never been as into Depeche Mode was you are: I just like a few of their songs. I think theyre the more "mainstream" ones too: "Enjoy the Silence" and "Personal Jesus". But all my FB/twitter friends know Ive been rocking out to my newest find "World in My Eyes".

Yeah, I know, Im hella late.

But that song just does something to me. Makes me wanna dance with pretty boys and do licentious things with them -whooo-hoooo!!

So thats why I enjoy Depeche Mode...because they have written some kick-ass songs that bring back fond memories of college, as well as songs that conjure fond - and impure- thoughts in the present!

cultureguru said…
I love combatting childhood hunger more, but DePeche Mode was so representative of the 80's--so uber cool!
I love Depeche Mode for many reasons...their music is great...
DM is the soundtrack of my life...
I see my life reflected in DM's Songs...
Unknown said…
Great Music!!!, Great persons!!!, one of the best things in my life, thank you very much for music.
You're funny! I do enjoy their music. I got into it in junior high, which totally dates me and makes me feel old!
Amber said…
I love Depeche Mode because my sister loves Depeche Mode. They were her favorite band in high school, and she's my best friend in the world. Hooray for fighting child hunger!
Ileana said…
I love Depeche Mode because liz does!!!
Elita said…
I'm not a huge Depeche Mode fan but like most people I do love "Personal Jesus." Great campaign, Liz, glad to help!
Carina said…
I love Depeche Mode because they make me feel 17.

I hate child hunger because it's stupid.
Taylor Renee said…
I love Depeche Mode because they have beautiful lyrics, awesome music, and impeccable fashion sense (even Martin in the 80's! lol). But on a more serious note, their music helped my older brother and I bond... I will always love DM!! God bless them!! :-)
Sherry said…
Great idea, Liz! I always say that if you are not doing something about the problem then you are apart of the problem. I love that YOU love Depeche Mode! Way to go Girl!
mosaicmama said…
i think it's cool that depeche mode is helping you raise money to end child hunger, without even knowing it!
that has to be some extra good for both of you, even if they aren't aware of it.
Call Family said…
♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫I love that Depeche Mode uses their fame to help people!♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫
Tiffany said…
I love Depeche Mode because over the years they have brought me more joy when I am happy, comfort when I am sad, company when I am lonely, and plenty of wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. Not to mention all the cool new people I have met because of them!
Melissa (Just1mode) said…
Seeing mode live in 1998 turned my fandom into obsession!
Liz Dwyer said…
Thank you SO much to each of you that took the time to leave a comment. It means SO very much and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading through all the reasons you love Depeche Mode! ;)