SpongeBob Rocket Ride Lego Set Winner!

Gosh, I feel like Santa Claus, or else those people who show up to someone's home (why don't they ever come to my crib?) from Publisher's Clearing House with the $25 million check! Yes, indeedy! We have a winner of the SpongeBob Rocket Ride Lego Set!!!

And the winner, chosen by the list randomizing magic at random.org is Lisa Blah Blah! YEAH!!! If you go check out her blog, you'll see that she just had a baby AND she also has the cutest little girl ever! I'm sure everybody in the Blah Blah house will enjoy the Lego set!

Thanks to everybody who entered. Do you need more Los Angelista giveaways? You still have 11 days to enter my Wii AND Wii Fit Giveaway, so if you haven't put your name in yet, click here to enter and win!


Anonymous said…
Nice. We used to be swimming in Legos here, but my older son has moved beyond toys completely and my younger son prefers K'Nex now.
Jameil said…
you are so giveaway amazing! great spirit! hope i win the wii!!!
Liz Dwyer said…
Citizen, my boys always want more Legos. It seems like they can't get enough!

Jameil, LOL! I want to do more giveaways! They're SO fun! :)
Unknown said…
Thanks for having this! I was singing like Spongebob for a few hours while making dinner with spatula and then watched a few episodes...my son was so perturbed, but we watched anyway and enjoyed!!! I have issues, I know, but this was fun nonetheless!!