Recasting Grease
I just finished watching the last half hour of the movie, Grease, and, well, I have to say, the film annoys the heck out of me. I know it annoys me because of the lack of diversity in it.
Are there any black or Asian characters in it at all? And why the heck does the Latina girl have to be named "Cha Cha"? Come on! How stereotypical!
I know, people say Grease can't be diverse because that wouldn't be historically accurate. I don't care. If I wanted super historically accurate, I'd watch the History Channel.
I say since remakes are so in vogue these days, how about a remake of Grease, complete with a diverse cast?
You like that idea, don't you?
Alright, let's cast our film. Who's gonna play Sandy and who's gonna play Danny Zuko?
Are there any black or Asian characters in it at all? And why the heck does the Latina girl have to be named "Cha Cha"? Come on! How stereotypical!
I know, people say Grease can't be diverse because that wouldn't be historically accurate. I don't care. If I wanted super historically accurate, I'd watch the History Channel.
I say since remakes are so in vogue these days, how about a remake of Grease, complete with a diverse cast?
You like that idea, don't you?
Alright, let's cast our film. Who's gonna play Sandy and who's gonna play Danny Zuko?
See, to her it's this romantic piece of history. It came out before she was born. She just turned 29, having ben born in April of 1980. I however, am turning 40 this month and was 9 when Grease was released. I remember having to live through that crap on the radio; it's probably why I gravitated towards Depeche Mode and new wave synth stuff as an early teen. Bad musicals made me who I am today!
Having a rainbow of actors in this pile of crap could not improve it. I don't ever want to see this movie in any form again. Period.
Also, from a feminist perspective, that whole "give yourself a makeover to keep the guy" thing? Barf.
I'm not sure what made me open to falling in love with Depeche. Maybe my love of house music because there's a lot of synths in that? Anyway, I was lucky enough to never even see Grease till I was like 25. My mom always said it was a total crap fantasy of the '50s and that's not how life really was. When I finally saw the film, I could not believe that such a bad film has gotten so much hype over the years! But, aside from being a totally terrible movie, the lack of diversity bugs me every time. Let some other ethnicities share in the awfulness!
KathyR,I love that you walked out on it! Love it! Yeah, the message it sends to girls is, you need to sleaze it up to get the guy. At the end when Sandy turns into a girl that looks a little prostitute-ish, then Danny's all psyched and down for it. His makeover though? Oh, all he has to do is put on a letter sweater, which he quickly discards. Boo!
Every generation seems to fall for the things that were. . .twenty years before. The 70s were ALL about the 50s. Then again. . .
I've never known a person who hated "Grease". Re-casting? Better to bring "Three's Company" up to date. Seriously.
But musicals that could only be done with a black cast, like Porgy and Black Orpheus, are so much better.
Citizen,Not so sure it could be saved, either. Everybody thought Olivia Newton John was SO hot back in the day. All the girls in my grade school wanted to get their hair done like her.
Heart,I looove The Wiz! I remember the first time my sons saw it. They were SO excited over it. Now I want to go see a really good musical. It's been a long time since I've been to the theater.
I do think there was one random black guy in the background for "We Go Together".
Hollywood is remaking FAME and FOOTLOOSE. I'm sure Grease is not far behind.
Sandy? Rihanna..she can transform from good girl to bad.
Danny? Chris Beat Em Down Brown.
Rizzo? Hmmm....Lil Kim?
Kenicki? Ray J
The rival gang member with the jacked up face that goes to the dance with Rizzo? Lil Wayne
The Angel that sings Beauty School dropout? Kanye West.
Who do I call? I have a hit on my hands.
I hate those scenes, too. Reminds me of how Ferris Bueller is great... and then the scene with the black folks doing the Thriller dance just RUINS it!
NYC/CR,LOL, is there one brotha in that shot? Good point about Fame and Footloose. That bodes well for a Grease remake -- wonder who they'll get to rework the script for a modern audience. I don't know if, "A hicky from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card," is gonna still work. Do kids still give each other hickies? Ok, now I feel old!
1969, -- I thought of RiRi to play Sandy, too! LMAO at L'il Kim playing Rizzo and Kanye doing the Beauty School Dropout song. I TOTALLY want to see this version!
I get to play opposite her.
I think I’d like that!
It COULD happen ...
Anyway, I kinda hate the movie now and would not pay to see a re-make but for the purposes of LA's question:
Sandy - Beyonce. All she would be required to do is sing. No actual acting)
..Just kidding. How about Estelle?
Danny - Chris Evans (Fantastic four- don't know if he can sing but I would change my mind and pay to watch him. Or Simon Baker)
Rizzo - Lil' Mama. LOL!
Cha Cha - JLo. Is that mean of me?
Kernicky- now why would anyone want that role?