Happy Mother's Day

They bought me diamond earrings and now they're taking me to see Star Trek. I love my sons, and clearly, I wouldn't be a mother without them. I hope all of you mothers out there are having a marvelous day!


Mes Deux Cents said…
Happy Mom's Day Liz!
Sarah Auerswald said…
Happy Mother's Day to you, too!!
Liz Dwyer said…
Thanks y'all! It was totally fab! :)
1969 said…
Happy Mother's Day to you too Liz!
Lisa Johnson said…
What a great picture! Belated Happy Mother's Day! ; )
Jameil said…
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day, Liz. They took you to see Star Trek! Stars for your beautiful family. (love the photo)
Anonymous said…
A day late, a very happy Mother's Day to you, too!
Liz Dwyer said…
You all are so sweet to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. I had SUCH a great day with my boys. I really did!
Ian Lidster said…
Lovely Mom with lovely kids.
Shiona said…
Happy Belated Mother's Day. Glad to hear you had a good one.