A Los Angelista Giveaway Winner: Kodak Wireless Digital Frame

I'm still in a daze over last night's amazing Depeche Mode concert -- but not too dazed that I can't figure out the winner of the Los Angelista Kodak Wireless Digital Frame Giveaway.

First, let me share some of the entries that really stood out to me.

Brooke touched my heart when she said this about her mom:

"She is still taking care of my older brother with special needs, I haven't seen my family in three years, she hasn't seen in person her newest granddaughter and 3 year since she saw grandson.. The family was always placed before her and now she is still taking care of us even though she deserves to enjoy her golden years..."

I think our culture sees parenting primarily as a 0-18 years old endeavor, but it's not the case, and especially not when you have a special needs child. So, Brooke, I hope you get to see your mom soon and help her take some time for herself.

Emilie made me laugh incredibly hard when she shared part of her motivation for wanting to win.

"Plus, I'm in the arts, and my siblings are in more, um, lucrative professions, so it would be fun to have a year where I give the impressive present, rather than just a card with a couple of "Mother's Day" scratch-off lottery tix in it!!! heh..."

-- I feel you, girl! I feel you!

Jameil wants to help her mom get healthy and had a FANTASTIC idea:

"My mom's working really hard on her quest to lose weight and it'd be nice for her to be able to visually track it and see how her body's changed, along with pics of her two favorite girls, me and my sister. Plus it'll go great with the multimedia present we have planned to tell her what a great mom she is!"

I should get a frame and use it like that myself...so every time I want to eat a whole bag of Doritos, I'll see a hot picture of myself right in front of me to help me remember to breathe and STOP!

Anyway, I can't choose the winner objectively so I used this great randomizer to pick... and it chose this entry from Aloysha19:

"My mom is so un-tech savvy that I'm hoping the Kodak frame will actually scare her into the twenty-first century so that she'll buy a computer to follow my Tweets and stop calling me 24/7!!"

LOL! That is very funny! I hope when my kids are grown that I'm keeping up with their technology! I wonder what the 2030 version of Twitter will be?

Congratulations again to Aloysha19 (please email me your address), thanks to everyone for entering, and of course, a super special thanks to Kodak for offering the giveaway!


Jameil said…
bummer. another loss. but i checked prices on those and they're not bad in stores! i might get her one anyway! thanks for the gift idea, liz! and i'm glad you liked my entry. :)
Anonymous said…
Just catching up. Still giggling about your son's 279 girfriends. My younger son ws similar when he wsa that age.