A Los Angelista Giveaway: Kodak Wireless Digital Frame

Every year, Mother's Day rolls around and I don't know what to get my mom! One year, my sister and I had the bright idea of getting her a variety pack case of tea. We figured, she drinks a lot of tea, it comes in a cute box, and, well she likes tea, right?

Let's just say, it was not a hit. The company that shipped the ginormous box of tea forgot the card we'd included so our mom had no idea where it came from! She was on the phone with me and says something like, "I just got this random wooden box full of tea. I have no idea who it's from. What am I going to do with it?"


I know, we're three weeks away from Mother's Day (May 10th), but it's better to start thinking about this now instead of scrambling at the last minute.

Thankfully, the good people at Kodak asked me if I'd like to help you out and keep you from going down the same disastrous random-box-of-tea path that I've traversed. Of course I said yes because I love y'all... So, how about a little Kodak contest where, if you win, you get to give the prize to a special mother in your life?

Yes, that's right, folks! I'm announcing the Los Angelista Kodak Wireless Digital Frame Contest!

One lucky winner will get a Kodak Easyshare W1020 Wireless Digital Frame with Home Decor Kit valued at $269.95!

These wireless frames are super cool and come with a neat home decor kit that can match with any mom's style. But beyond that, what's really fab is that you can wirelessly stream photos from the Kodak Gallery AND Flickr. It can also give you updates on news, weather and sports, so it's a true multi-tasking wonder, just like your mom!

To enter:

1) Be a resident of the Continental United States

2) Leave me a comment by 11:59 PM on Thursday, April 23, 2009 telling me what special mom in your life you'd gift this to if you win and why. It doesn't have to be super long, or elaborate. Heck, you could say, "I'm going to give this to my mom so she doesn't get another busted box of tea from me!"

For extra entries you can:

1) link back to this post on your blog and let me know in the comments that you did so or,

2) tweet this on Twitter and let me know in the comments that you did so!

I'm going to pick the winner randomly but I'll publish the winner's entry along with the five entries I like best on Friday, April 24, 2009!

In the meantime, Kodak is also having a Kodak Gallery Mom-A-Thon One Million Card Mother's Day Giveaway. You can make a special mom in your life a super cute, personalized card. You only have to pay a teensy bit for shipping and your card will be on it's way!

Good luck!


Anonymous said…
One year my mother gave her mother a card that said "You'vebeen like a mother to me." But what was funnier was that the sme year I gave my mother the very same card.
om is getting this because she doesn't need clothes or food and flowers die- she wants something to last and cherish- here it is
Deborah said…
I'd give this to my Mom after I loaded it up with pictures of her grandchildren and children. Mom needs another (fill in the blank) like she needs a hole in the head but she does treasure pictures of her family, which is scattered all over the world. asthenight at gmail dot com
Brooke said…
Would be wonderful to give this to my mom.. She is still taking care of my older brother with special needs, I haven't seen my family in three years, she hasn't seen in person her newest granddaughter and 3 year since she saw grandson.. The family was always placed before her and now she is still taking care of us even though she deserves to enjoy her golden years...
Ali said…
Apparently my mother and mother in law have had their fill of bath supplies...it's be nice for me to come up with something more impressive!
Anonymous said…
I would love to send this to my mom. She would love to show off even more pictures of her precious grandchildren!
Emilie said…
My mom and I live far away from one another, so it would be great to give her pictures that she can download easily!!

(Plus, I'm in the arts, and my siblings are in more, um, lucrative professions, so it would be fun to have a year where I give the impressive present, rather than just a card with a couple of "Mother's Day" scratch-off lottery tix in it!!! heh...)

(emvark at gmail dot com)
Carolyn G said…
My mom would love this. And I think it would be a perfect gift for her.
Jameil said…
My mom's working really hard on her quest to lose weight and it'd be nice for her to be able to visually track it and see how her body's changed, along with pics of her two favorite girls, me and my sister. Plus it'll go great with the multimedia present we have planned to tell her what a great mom she is!
mary2720 said…
I would love to give this to my mother-in-law. She would get such a kick out of it!
Anonymous said…
I'd load this with my kids pictures and give it to my wife to take to work. SHe works overnight and has sacrificed a lot for our family.
Angela M said…
I would give this to my mom because it is a very unique gift. I would like to give her something other than flowers and I think she'd really enjoy this so she can always see her granddaughter(my daughter). She lives in another state and doesn't get to see her often.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Angela ~ thisisme79(at)gmail(dot)com
lorides said…
I would love to give this to my mom. My parents moved to Florida from NY and don't get to see my kids very often.
Unknown said…
I would love this for my mom. With 2 kids, 5 grandkids and another grandkid due any day, she would have plenty to put on it. My Dad has a small digital frame on his desk. Mom's always complaining that he hogs it and put terrible pictures of her on it :) They're not terrible, by the way. If she had this, she could put her own pictures on it and pay Dad back by putting terrible pictures of him on it :)
scottsgal said…
I'd give it to my sister and put some pics of my family on it as well as old family pics - we live 8 hours apart and talk regularly but don't see each other much.

msboatgal at aol.com
TheTinyJEWELBox said…
I would send this to my mom since I moved 3 of her 4 grandkids more than 100 miles away!
carolasar said…
I would love to give this to my Mom-she is always thinking of me and my family-this would let her know that we are always thinking of her too. Thanks.
Rikk Connelly said…
I would love this for myself, honestly. I'm a mom of three and love to have it for my kids
A Reader said…
I would give this to my mom b/c we don't see each otften, so this would be a great way to stay on touch.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Sandra K321 said…
I would give this to my mom and put lots of pics of her grandkids in it. Her entertainment center has so many photos on it that this would help condense them.
Call Family said…
Carmen wanted me to enter her in this contest so she can win the frame...oh, and I don't want to take up all the space listing all the reasons she is the world's greatest mom...but she is.
Keitha said…
I would give this to my mom because she never buys anything nice for herself, so this would be special to her

email:keithadanielle AT yahoo DOT com
Jennifer said…
My mom would love this full of pics of her 5 grandkids!! I would be estactic to be able to give her something like this for Mother's Day!! Thanks so much for the chance to win it!!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
Jennifer said…
I would give this to my mom because she does everything to make sure that we are happy and doesn't do enough for herself

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
Sharon said…
This would make a wonderful gift for my older sister that has served as Mom since our Mom passed away 5 years ago. Thanks for the giveaway
Jennifer said…
I would love to give this to my mom with some downloaded pictures of my wedding. I have about 1000 digital photos of the wedding that I told my my I would print and give to her and I never have. (it's been about 5 years!) Some of the digital photos were better than the photographers. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Miranda Ward said…
I would love to give this to my grandma Because she is absolutely the strongest woman i know
Mothers... don't know anything about them! I'll have to pass, but didn't want to pass up the chance to say:

This is a great idea, Liz

Cyndee said…
If you pick me to be the winner - I'll also put your name on the gift card and you won't have to spend a dime!!!!! Except does mom even have a digital camera?
wendy wallach said…
I would like to give this to my mom because she has tons of pictures everywhere and she loves being able to see them all the time.

madamerkf at aol dot com
Valerie said…
My mom has been great and very supportive. She actually really wants a digital frame! This would be a great surprise for her!
Kawaiineko2008 at aol dot com
Anonymous said…
Since I am the eldest female living, I would give this to my daughter. She is an exceptional mother, devoted wife,and my friend. I have taken photographs of the grandkids that I would try to download for her. (Grandma's not a techie!)

This gadget saves so much room,and no photo albums.
whammyammy AT yahoo DOT com
Mishia said…
I'd give this to my mom because she means the world to me. I'd seriously me lost without her. THis would bring a smile to her face because she can have all of her pictures in one great frame.
Mishia said…
Ellie Wright said…
I would give this to my daughter in law since she already gave me the greatest gift of all...my beautiful grandsons.
techyone said…
I'd love this for my mother. She loves pictures and would adore a digital frame.
Kim Moldofsky said…
My mother would like the frame, but she would LOVE for me to scan 40+ years of family memories (photos) so that she could display them on this fab new frame.

Thanks for a great giveaway!
Remnants of U said…
I'd give it to my mom with pictures that her grandson has e-mailed me of himself from overseas in uniform & otherwise. (Sheesh he's still my little boy)
alyosha19 said…
My mom is so un-tech savvy that I'm hoping the Kodak frame will actually scare her into the twenty-first century so that she'll buy a computer to follow my Tweets and stop calling me 24/7!!

(BTW Liz I retweeted this)
sandra wells said…
i'd like to give this to my mother because she NEVER buys frames, and thus has no baby pictures of me...i am 47.
Unknown said…
My sister and I were just laughing about our mother last weekend. Telephone, telegraph, tell-our-mother: we refer to her as the Big Carol Broadcasting Network. In our family, if you want the news spread you tell mom. Her job is to get on the phone and tell the other 4 siblings the big (or little) news. My stepsister was laid off a few weeks ago. I had no idea until I had called her because the Big Carol Broadcasting Network failed to "interrupt your life with this special announcement". My sister and I decided this failure of emergency broadcasting will affect the Mother's Day gift.

In all seriousness, what better way to remind her to pick up the phone and call us than a digital photo frame with all our photos?

shel704 at aol dot com
Unknown said…

shel704 at aol dot com
Greg D said…
What a great idea, my mom would love it !!
Jessalyn said…
This would be awesome for my grandma. She is kind of isolated where she lives in the mountains (by choice). We offer to come pick her up and take her places, but she always turns us down. I think being able to constantly see current photos of her great grandchildren would give her a reason to smile everyday.
Homemaker said…
I have to say that I am really close with my friends. If I were to win this would definately go to my friend who is a single mother and has done alot for her 3 boys. She doesn't have a camera, but us other friends always bring cameras along on get-togethers such as bringing our kids to the park, bbqs, or just watching the kids run around and play together. I would love so I and our other friends can upload all the pictures we have taken of the kids and us too onto a digital frame and give it to her as a Mother's Day gift. She is one of the sweetest people you would ever meet and would do anything for anyone within her means... I love her and I would love to have the opportunity to give this to her.


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