The Jesus Sign

I have SO much to tell you about: Friday night's visit to the Magic Castle, my very cool interview with actor Treva Etienne, how I'm a reverse racist and angry black woman (according to an anonymous email I got the other day -- is it mean if I share the email address it came from?) Plus, my kids ran me ragged today with almost five hours of baseball, so I'm feeling lazy and unmotivated.

But I am not too lazy to share my neighbor's huge tarp on which he/she has written a message for us all. Maybe I'm too critical, but for real, if you're gonna make a poster about Jesus, make it look good. Don't do the janky stencil thing. Jesus deserves better than this. And what's up with listing the Bible verses in what looks like Sharpie? Sigh!

I know, Jesus does not care. It's the spirit behind it that counts and I'm just the jaded Angeleno that thinks this is the most ugly, ghetto sign I've seen in a minute.

And now that I've shared The Jesus Sign, I'm going back to watching SNL. (Hmm... I kinda feel like the sign could be on an episode of SNL!)


Liz, you dear sweet'd slit your elbows if you had to live here in rural SC, where home-made raggedy-assed religious billboards are as commonplace as rebel flags, camouflage, and 500-dollar cars on 5000-dollar rims. Each & every day I pass by rotting plywood planks spray-painted with pending-Armageddon ravings and demands for our repentance.

You'd either laugh or cry to spend a week here.
nick said…
Such an uninspired sign certainly wouldn't tempt me to join up. There are masses of churches here in NI but at least they don't put up proselytising billboards everywhere. That seems to be a peculiarly American thing.
pooneh said…
The sign may seem ghetto, but the spirit is right:
At least they remember that today is about Jesus and His Sacrifice.
Most are content to give it to the bunny who defies all laws of nature and lays eggs filled with useless toys and teeth rotting candy...
Liz Dwyer said…
LOL, if I came to visit, I'd have my camera out, non-stop, I'm sure. Yeah, I am not too psyched over the idea of reading about Armageddon on random signs every five minutes, but I figure if folks want to make those signs, at least make 'em look good!

It probably is an American thing because we clearly love to make signs about everything under the sun. We're a nation of declaring what we like/don't like very publicly. This is just somebody's house, not a church, and I guess he/she just felt moved to make it.

Easter was my favorite holiday when I was a kid because my grandma always had the BEST Easter baskets and jellybeans are my favorite candy. I miss digging them out of the fake Easter grass! My boys semi-aware that there's an Easter Bunny but we have no chocolate or candy around! It's pretty funny because they've been walking around for a week announcing to random people, "Did you know that Jesus rose from the dead?"

Anyway, yes, the spirit of the sign is in the right place but I still think it's a little tacky. (If I found out that their kids did it, I'll change my mind!)
Jameil said…
lol! you are going to hell! i'm kidding! i am the QUEEN of talking about somebody's tacky, garage sale, roy rogers, slapped it together with all the leftover materials, misspelled Jesus sign. Can you give Jesus your best please?!?!? GEEZ!! & lol @ MojoSteve! Rural SC and NC are just the sort of places I see such things. And rural PA, too, lest you think all the people who make these signs are from the south! lolol
Unknown said…
Oh my, I think I have to agree with you but I suppose at the end of the day it is the thought that counts. right? I guess.....
Toni Campbell said…
My favorite part is that she put "Juan 11:25" & "John 11:25"! She translated that for her spanish speaking brothers & sisters!
funny I don't think you are angry. you have to post about that.

Shiona said…
I agree I need a little more than that to want to join. I noticed the Juan as well. Perhaps more languages would have peaked the curiosity of more people...