21 Years Later: Ready To Shuffle (or skate) Again

As you probably already know, the Bears are going to the Super Bowl for the first time in 21 years. Last time they went to the Super Bowl, Bears mania hit Chicagoland. We even had a 45 single of the "Superbowl Shuffle" record.
In case you weren't born or you were living under a rock in 1985, the "Superbowl Shuffle" was a

I was happily reliving these "Superbowl Shuffle" moments in the beginning of the third quarter of today's game when, ahem...cough...I heard the pitiful voice of my five year-old son, Olinga, asking, for the third time this weekend, "Mommy, will you take me rollerskating? You promised."
Oh great. I'd forgotten about that. I made this promise on Friday night. He wanted to go on Saturday but I had to work. So, he asked me, "Will you take me on Sunday then?"
I know I was half listening when he asked, but I did say, "Sure baby. We'll go on Sunday." I didn't take it too seriously because the way kids are, tomorrow can come and they're content to play with their action figures in the room. Plus, I didn't know know where this roller skating thing was coming from because he's never asked to go before. A friend of his had a birthday party at a roller rink a couple of years ago and he hated even having th

Today I asked him why he wanted to go skating and he replied, "Because it'll be fun." He paused for a moment and then added, "You'll hold my hand so I don't fall, right?" Right. Sure. The truth is that it's probably been a good 21 years since I've been rollerskating, and I barely knew how to get around the roller rink back then. It's because I have this crazy phobia that I'm going to fall and knock my teeth out. I don't know why I have this phobia, but I do. So, roller skating and ice skating are generally out for me.
What a dilemma. Keep a promise to my son and spend the afternoon landing on my behind in a roller rink or finish watching the game? Tell him we'll have to wait till next week to skate or miss seeing the Bears win or lose? Go skating and potentially lose a tooth. Sigh.
Skating won. Of course it did. It killed me in the moment to actually turn the game off, but I rationalized to myself that in the grand scheme of things, the Bears are a sports team with players that make millions and an ownership that makes even more. They'd survive if I didn't watch the game...but my son, he'd remember that I'd promised and then he'd remember that I backed out on that promise.
Yes, we landed on the floor a whole lot but I think it boosted Olinga's confidence to see that he could skate better than I could. He kept saying over and over, "See, none of your teeth are going to fall out. I'm going to protect you! Just hold my hand!"
One of the rink referees helpfully pointed out to me that there are classes on Saturday mornings for kids to learn. He then added, "We also have a Tuesday night adult class if you'd like a refresher to improve your own skating skills. Lots of adults re-learn when their kids do." Hmm. Maybe if I actually take a class I won't be afraid of falling and knocking out a tooth.
When I got home, I looked online and saw that the Bears had indeed won the game. I'm as happy as can be that Chicago is once again Super Bowl bound. But nothing beat having Olinga kiss me on the cheek and whisper how happy he was to go skating.
These days,he's an NRA spokesman and bigtime hunter. I think he the size of a walk in freezer now.
See...that's the difference between mommies and daddies...I wish I would ask Mr. J to take J-Jo skating (or anywhere!) while the Sixers are on.
You're a such a good mommy! :)
Oh I'm so disappointed to hear that the Fridge reps the NRA now. That's lame because he was the man back then.
Mrs. J,
Yes, my behind is a bit sore today from biting the dust. My son didn't seem to be hurt at all. In fact, he thought falling was fun. I'm just glad I didn't break a bone. I'm trying to be a good mommy, but I have my limits. We sure won't be hitting up the roller rinks on Super Bowl Sunday! ;)
The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that in a few years, my little boy won't want to go anywhere when the Bears are playing and he sure won't want to hold mommy's hand so I have to take advantage of it all while I can. And yes, go Bears, get busy! Go Bears, get busy!
Obviously, though, you made the right choice.
So does my ambivalence about the Bears victory make me less "decent" or less of a Chicagoan?
I await your judgment.
I'm so ignorant of sports, I don't follow anything. How's that for a guy? I kid my wife and tell her I'm going to lay around and watch "The game", when she asks me which one, I'm at a loss. Oh well.
Your car has been tagged by the Latin Kings. That right there gives you a full Chi-town pedigree. ;)
See, our likes and dislikes can't be categorized according to gender. But, does this mean you click on the Lifetime movies the minute she walks out of the room?
I think I'm going to get pregnant tonight so I can reap some of the joys of parenting!!
Okay...maybe not...but you surely had me considering it! :)
I'm a fellow Chicagoan and I'm quite excited about it all!! The Dragon is from Jersey, but has been a Bears fan all his life...weird huh?
I'm glad you spent that time with your son. Most parents don't understand how important some things are to their children--and PROMISES are at the top of the list!
Well Done!