These Ladies = Proof Not Everyone You Meet Online Is A Serial Killer

Only a few years ago I would've said heck to the no to getting together with some strangers from the Wild Wild World of the Interwebs.

Because, uh, you know, they might abduct me and take me home and keep me in a box under their bed, and pull me out to force feed me McRib sandwiches, make me watch episodes of Jersey Shore and play an endless loop of Taylor Swift records.

Now look at me, hanging out with a fab group of Angeleno ladies...that I met through blogs and through Twitter - and obviously, I didn't end up dead because I'm here writing this post!

I can't remember who suggested we meet up at Miss Peaches, a seriously authentic soul food joint up in North Hollywood. Miss Peaches is so for real, they play Marvin Gaye and serve Kool Aid in mason jars. I drank three glasses, thank you very much...and as if that wasn't enough to send me into a diabetic coma, I also ate sweet potatoes, super sweet but delish baked beans and some greens. Wo-oW! I was so sugared up that I came home and passed out on top of my bed. In my clothes.

Anyway, this crew of ladies is so nice, I thought you might like to get to know them...

On the left is @sha_rock76 - She works in media, blogs at A Black Butterfly, and through the course of our conversation I found out that she's jumping into marathon running. I'm always happy to meet a fellow marathoner!

Next up in the lovely striped dress is one of LAUSD's hard working educators, @BritniDWrites. We first met at BlogHer 2009 and then got together for brunch a few months ago. She's a great mom and she's an aspiring fiction writer. Oh and she has a FANTASTIC blog called This Side of the Wall. She's doin' big things, I tell ya. Big things!

I wanted to steal @afrolicious' fly as-all-get-out jacket. But seeing as how this was the first time I met her, I figured I should behave. She also works in education, bringing technology training to schools and she grew up in Compton, which gave her a special place in my heart because I taught there. Her site is called...Afrolicious and she hosts cupcake meetups once a month! Be there or be squared.

The ever cool @Faboomama really knows her way around tech gadgets. At one point we had a debate over what year The Player's Club came out and she looked it up in a heartbeat! I've met her once before and she always makes me laugh with her tales of parenting and running. The other night we seriously commiserated over our knee issues. Her site is Faboomama and I love her latest post "Black Women Run Too" about the lack of diversity in running and fitness mags. Tell the truth and shame the debil with that one!

And finally, there's Los Angelista. Now, don't get me wrong, she's cool, but out of everybody, she's probably the one you gotta worry about. I mean, she showed up with her hair in a pony puff because she never got around to combing it that day. She just didn't feel like it... and these nice ladies loved her anyway.

So here's to getting to know even more nice people and hopefully, my streak of meeting people who aren't trying to put me in a box under the bed will roll on!


SChin said…
Great post! This is so cool. I too have made some real life friends from the internet. There is less and less of a stigma to it these days. People are people. There are just as many or more great, sane, fun people as there are crazies. So I say go for it and use your best judgment the very same way you would if you meet a new person on the job, at the club, or anyplace else. Cheers!
Anonymous said…
You all look so nice!

Given that I met my boyfriend (for whom I'm head over heels) through blogging, I'm definitely a lot more open to online friends than I was before I started blogging. It's so interesting the kinds of people you meet. :-)
faboo mama said…
I'm just glad I'm not the only one who wanted @afrolicious's jacket. That was the hawtness, for real. Great write up on everyone. You ladies, do indeed rock!
Britni Danielle said…
YES!! It was SUCH a nice time hanging with y'all. We should totally make this a regular event. like monthly. i need some more funny/positive/brilliant/HILARIOUS women in my life. on the regular.

anyway, LOVED hanging (and yes, Miss Peaches was seriously tasty! Who knew NoHo had soul? lol)
Sharon B. said…
Great write up! Loved hanging with you all. It's so good to know that there are so many funny, smart women in LA. We have to do it again really soon!

(I'm still utterly amazed that I bought kool-aid in a restaurant.)

See you ladies again, soon!
Jen said…
This not only sounds like a great get together, but now I have some more blogs to check out! Yay!
Liz Dwyer said…
Definitely less stigma. I can remember even a few years ago the idea of getting together with some strangers would be unheard of. I guess it's not so scary if you go someplace public! ;)

Thanks for saying we look nice and how cool that you met your guy thru blogging. I know a couple other people who met their significant others that way. And at least he won't complain about you being online!

Faboo Mama,
Wasn't that jacket sharp! She needs to lend it out. ;)

Britni Danielle,
I agree, a regular event is MUCH needed... after all, we need to plot our global domination! And seriously, Miss Peaches was delish - even if I feel like I need to do the master cleanse to rid myself of the sugar, it was definitely some good eats!

Sharon B,
I know, I can't believe I bought kool-aid either! I wanted to buy some at the store today too! So very nice to meet you and definitely can't wait to do it again.

For sure go check them out. So many different perspectives and great ideas and writing!