Who's The Average Black Woman?

The exchange went something like this...
Me: I can't believe Janet Jackson signed on to be in this sequel. She was SO bad in the first one. Then again, pretty much everybody was bad in the first one.
Anonymous: It's all about a paycheck. Besides, Janet's not as cute as she used to be.
Me: I still think she's cute. But she can't act.
Anonymous: Nah. Not as cute. She's a lot more average black woman looking these days.
Me: What's the average black woman look like?
Anonymous: Well... you know... sort of, uh, YOU KNOW!
Me: No, I don't know.
Anonymous: Um... I mean, Janet's just not as pretty as she used to be. She used to be special and now she just looks like everyone else.
Me: "Average black women" aren't pretty?
Anonymous: No. She's just... dating Jermaine Dupri just made her more ordinary. She's not larger than life anymore.
I probably should've dropped it because I realized I was getting pretty annoyed. But, I just had to ask one more question.
Me: Am I an "average black woman"?
Anonymous: You're getting mad, but no.
Me: Oh really? Well why not?
Anonymous: Cuz you like Depeche Mode - and I'm not talking to you about this anymore because you're getting pissed off.
What clued Anonymous in that I was really displeased with this conversation? Was it the set of my jaw? The eerie silence while my eyes narrowed into daggers?
The thing is, I don't believe in an "average black woman" because the whole phrase just screams, "I like to run around nekkid with stereotypes!"
You notice how Anonymous threw the phrase around like it had cooties? It's like in Anonymous' mind, average black woman doesn't mean smart, well-read, well-dressed, well-groomed, kind, eloquent, beautiful, generous, and honest.
When I think of an average black woman, that's what I think of. I'm pretty sure Anonymous is thinking of something less flattering. Are you?
*photo courtesy of Flickr user The Global Girl
"You're not like the others...you're not...loud."
warms the heart, don't it.
Funny, I thought human beings came in all shapes, sizes, personalities and attitudes. But I could be wrong....
The thoughts that this person has about Black Women exemplify the racism they have in their heart.
i figure i am the average Black woman. SMart, cute, funny, smart, likes to read, likes to travel, from an intact family (mom and dad), college... you know. Just your regular chick. And I have a bunch of regular Black women friends that are just like me.
Is that what anonymous meant? LOL
Warms the heart completely. Makes you feel SO special, doesn't it? I've also heard that I'm nicer than the average black woman. More approachable. And then I slashed their tires after they said that. (Just kidding. Sorta.)
Whenver folks try to use the word "average" to describe a group of people they're bound for trouble if they don't have positive things in mind.
I have heard that Depeche Mode comment more times than I care to admit. It just bounces off me at this point. Ridiculous and no, no apology.
These sorts of ideas are so ingrained in our psyches, they come out and we don't even KNOW we thought that way. I think Anon will maybe think twice about what's average - and the negative light in which our society perceives the "average black woman" - I think these kinds of conversations are the way we take this crap apart.
I liked her in Poetic Justice but in Why Did I Get Married I thought she was totally stiff, wooden, miscast. Only one who had it together at all was Jill Scott and I hated her character's role.
Black Literature,
I think of average like how you think, too. But I know too many do not, or have limited real-world exposure so they think of us as stereotypes.
It sure is a sport and then when we stand up for ourselves, we're nuts or too aggressive. I'm so over that ish.
Oh my. You see what you started?! :-)
Uh huh.
That sort of statement implies faux colorblindness and yep, that there's something wrong with being black. I wonder when the day will come where folks WANT to be black instead of trying to get away from it.
Do you, me and Lisa all know the same people? ;0
I know what you mean. I suppose it's about the intent with which one uses the word "average".
Dirty Red,
Folks should just insert the word "stereotypical" instead of average. They'd be a lot more honest in their discourse if they did.
We're so diverse, there's no one look! ;)
Hmm... to preserve Anonymous' anonymity, I'm not going to say, but just curious, what do you think it is?
On a totally different note - it was wonderful meeting you at the KaBOOM event on Friday!