How To Have A Freak Out Four Days Before The LA Marathon

It's four days before the LA Marathon so I've decided today's the day I'm allowing myself a bit of pre-race hyperventilating.
Yes, anxiety is now my middle name, and my mental list of race day "what ifs" just keeps growing and growing. I'll give you my very real concerns about Sunday.
1) My Left Knee Hurts. It's been hurting for three weeks - sometimes a dull pain, sometimes aagh, a bit more painful. It doesn't hurt when I run on it. Well, at least not too much. Sigh. Why, why, why? How come it couldn't wait till AFTER the marathon to start this up? Cue the chorus:
Let's sing to my knee together: "I bought you drinks, I bought you flowers, I read you books and talked for hours, every day so many drinks, such pretty flowers, So tell me what have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?"
I hope it doesn't act up too much on race day and sideline me at mile 13. I know I'm half Irish and it's St. Patrick's Day, but I don't need THAT kind of luck, mmkay?
2) Warm Weather. I don't like running in ovens. The forecast for Sunday is mid 70's. Yes, we're running toward the Pacific Ocean but still, I'd like it to be cooler. Like mid 60's instead.
You see, those are real concerns, right? Now let's move on to the totally insane stuff on my list.
Exhibit A of Insanity: Yesterday we had a 4.4 earthquake, so at some point last night I actually said to myself, "What if The Big One hits while I'm running on Sunday?"
Exhibit B: I've been training since August but I have f-e-a-r and worries that I won't be able to finish. It's totally irrational. This isn't my first marathon. But I worry I'm going to be the LAST finisher.
Yes, I may be experiencing...
I did that in green lettering so you won't pinch me.
Dear reader, reassure me that an earthquake won't strike, tell me my knee won't collapse, and convince me this is going to be a better race than the travesty that was the Pasadena Marathon.
Whew, I feel better now that I got all that off my chest. I promise that's the LAST of my freak outs. I have it all out there and now I can move forward! (Right?)
BTW, What Have I Done To Deserve This is my Jam!
Run strong! I'll be cheering you on....from my couch in MS :)
Have a good race!
You will make it! It's only a marathon, and you get to walk a bit every so often, right?
Besides, aren't you the mother of two children? Compared to childbirth, your knee will be sweet.
Love, Dad
But I think you're amazing to run three marathons in such a short time.
Have a great race!
Thanks, hon! That song was my jam in high school. It still is. I think after Depeche Mode, the Pet Shop Boys are the most remixed artists in history.
Nerd Girl,
Haha! That couch in MS will surely sound pretty comfy post-race. Thanks for the convictions that none of that is going to happen!
But with childbirth I didn't have to be outside on ASPHALT in 80 degree weather. :)
I wonder if someone will wear one of those suits again this year! I'm getting really excited about it all. It's going to be fine. (I hope!)
1st Day of Spring and Baha'i New Year too, so I'm sure to have good luck at the race!
I worry about that, too! And that'll it hit while I'm in the carpool lane on the 110 FWY. Thanks for thinking I'm amazing. I guess because I spend so much time talking to marathon runners I forget that not everyone does this. ;)
I've been reading up on some of the strategies people use to keep themselves calm and together mentally - and really, so much of the race is mental. Been doing a lot of visualizng myself running the last three miles to the finish.
Thank you! The knee will be iced and I'm drinking lots of cherry juice to help my joints!
Thank you! I think it's going to be the best so far, too.
Aww, THANK YOU for saying that! You're SO right!