Go Shawty, It's My Birthday

I still make this super-excited face when it's my birthday:I can't help it. The way some people get psyched up for Christmas or Valentine's Day...that's how I feel about my birthday. Thirty years after this picture was taken, I don't get cool magic castles (complete with a dragon, knights, horses and serfs) as presents, and I don't wear birthday hats like this anymore either unless my kids beg me to.

But even though the way I celebrate my birthday has definitely changed as I've aged, I still feel the same happiness... and the same desire to sit in front of a fabulous carrot cake ablaze with candles, my name across the top!

I wish you all could join me for the festivities. Here's to another wonderful year!


Lisa Johnson said…
Such a cute picture! Happy Birthday and all the best in 2010! I'd upload a chai latte and a cupcake to your blog if I could. : )
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday ma'am.

Do something to celebrate yourself!
Remnants of U said…
Aww! A great birthday face! LOL Enjoy your day!
Liz Dwyer said…
Thank you! Whoo hoo!

Ooh, I wish that sort of technology was possible! Yum! Thanks for the good wishes and all the best to you in 2010!

I was going to go take a nap but I'm anticipating the cake I'm gonna eat later so I think I may be going for a run!

My face cracks me up in this picture - and me and my sister's hair. We look like we'd just finished ripping and running thru the house and our mom told us to sit down! :)
Britni Danielle said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZ!! Enjoy it to the fullest!!
tallnoe said…
Happy Birthday, co-12/29-er! Hope you enjoy it.
You at least have a better mindset about it than I do.
Toni Campbell said…
Happy Birthday! What a great picture. Your look says, "I can't believe my luck!"
Anne said…
Great picture!!! Happy Birthday!
Marlo said…
Happy, Happy Birthday!
Lotus Flower said…
Happy Birthday, love!!!

And many, MANY more....party like a rockstar!
TakeMulattoBack said…
I just began reading your blog today, and it is so coincidental that it is your birthday! Even though I have just become familiar with you, "I thank what ever gods may be for your unconquerable soul" (I go for the holy trinity:-))! I appreciate the good vibes you project too and for all of us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, and happy day for all of us as well :-) Thank you for giving us a chance to celebrate with you :-)
Liz Dwyer said…
Thanks All for the wonderful birthday wishes. They are so very appreciated and it's so very kind of you all to take the time to write them
nick said…
Oops, a bit late here but hope you had a very happy birthday, Liz. Your expression in the pic is priceless!
Nerd Girl said…
Happy belated! Hope 2010 is filled with nothing but the best for you and yours!
April said…
Hope you had a great day. Happy New Year to you and yours!
Liz Dwyer said…
Nick, Nerd Girl & April,
Thank you for wishing me well! I don't feel older yet, but I'm sure it'll hit me sometime soon! :)
Sundry said…
Happy Birthday! Hope it was great. Love the expression on your face. It's going to be a great year for you!