Donate Some Diapers Cuz I'm A Great Aunt

I don't feel like I should be a great aunt already. Shouldn't I at least have a full head of grey hair and some spectacles on a chain? That's what I'd always pictured, but as of 12:59 today, I am the great aunt of a baby boy named Michael.
My great nephew was going to be given up for adoption but my niece and her partner decided only a few days ago that they were going to keep the baby. It's a long story that I'm not going to get into here, but I'm wishing them the best.
So in the spirit of babies and moms, I want to make sure you know about a worthwhile event happening this Sunday (tomorrow) here in Los Angeles. It's the Help A Mother Out playdate and it takes place from 3-6 at the Treehouse Social Club over on Robertson.
Click on the badge (or the link) for all the info, but basically, you take a pack of diapers to the event and donate them to moms who need them for their babies. Why do this? As the Help A Mother Out site says:
"More and more families in Los Angeles are being affected by the recession. Unemployment is at a record high. Even when a parent turns to public assistance for help, diapers are not covered by food stamps. Homeless families – and there are many – need to diaper their babies. Can you imagine not having a clean diaper for your baby? Where would you turn?"Huggies will match donations diaper to diaper up to 3,000 diapers, and while you're at the event, you can win some sweet door prizes and have some fun. You can also donate money online if you're not here in LA or are unable to attend.
If you're one of those people that says if someone decides to have a baby, they should at least be able to buy diapers - I feel sorry for your heartlessness. Stuff happens to folks and children should not be made to suffer for the circumstances of their parents. Besides, no one's asking for gold plated diapers, mmkay?
SO in the spirit of my newly minted great nephew, donate some diapers to a good cause!