Zeitgeist Reality?

Do you believe in conspiracy theories? The Illuminati, etc.?

Yesterday morning I clicked open an email from a friend who forwarded me the link to a YouTube video. I clicked on the link and the first words I heard when it started playing were:
"The last thing the men behind the curtain want is a conscious, informed public, capable of critical thinking, which is why a continually fraudulent zeitgeist is output via religion, mass media and the educational system."
Intrigued, I kept watching.

The clip started talking about an agreement to make a North American Union out of the U.S., Canada and Mexico and the US dollar being replaced with an Amero similar to the Euro.

I'd never heard of this and it's a big deal that this legislation was signed back in 2005. The fact that it's not all over the news is REALLY disturbing, but I am actually for the world coming together. It's happening whether we like it or not and it's the next step in human history. The borders we have are artificial anyway and anything that hastens my moving to Villefranche Sur Mer, France, the better.

Of course, I know it's not so simple as all that. I don't think creating "unions" for purely economic, materialistic reasons is a good thing at all. And who gets to be the head of that union? The United States? A sort of first among equals kind of thing?

Then the film got into something I'm pretty weirded out by, VChips and how they're now in all newly issued US Passports. When I first saw the movie "Enemy of the State", the whole time I remember thinking, "If it's in a movie, it's already here." -- Everybody claims to love GPS navigators and On-Star and all that mess. But I know how to read a maps very well. One of my nicknames is "Human Mapquest". And I don't know if I really want someone able to get into my car with the push of the button. I honestly don't mind having to wait for AAA to come...or asking Dre down the street to get in my car for me. I am not doing anything illegal whatsoever, but I don't feel comfortable with someone being able to track my every move. And you can forget about me volunteering to get a VChip inserted into my arm.

Of course, some people I know think I already have this tracking inserted, and that my kids do as well. Why? How? Well, we've all had vaccines.

These folks I know believe we are all injected with tracking devices by people at the hospital right after you are born or during the vaccinations you get as a kid. So they delivered their kids at home, did not get the kids birth certificates, social security numbers, or vaccines. The kids are home schooled. They do not legally exist.

With that in mind, I watched the entire nine-minute YouTube clip. Then I saw that it comes from a movie called "Zeitgeist." I am an independent investigator of truth so I clicked on the link and watched the entire film online.

I felt incredibly depressed afterwards. Why? Well, here's the film's three parts:

Part One: Religion as we know it is made up to control the masses. Christianity is based on pagan sun worship. Jesus did not exist and is instead a story based on Horus, the Egyptian historical figure.

Part Two: 9/11 Conspiracies. If you've seen "Loose Change", you've already seen this part.

Part Three: The Federal Reserve's control of our country, the North American Union and the Vchip stuff.

I just fundamentally disagree that religion is all a sham. I know Jesus wasn't born on December 25th (duh) and people have definitely corrupted religion with their own craziness. But, I still believe Jesus was who He was and that He had a beautiful message to give the world.

The 9/11 conspiracies, I wouldn't be surprised if some of that stuff is true. We just have no real way of investigating the truth.

But, part three is actually the part that had me really weirded out. Because actually, when you look up the stuff, you can read all about the creation of the Federal Reserve, the VChip and this North American Union none of us have ever heard about.

And then I start to wonder if I'm more apt to believe this stuff because I've worked my whole life in low income areas, and have seen first-hand how our government doesn't give a damn about poor people. I saw Katrina on TV and I've been to post-Katrina New Orleans. I'm black and I grew up hearing about the Tuskegee Experiment... so why would I just blindly believe that anyone in the government has my best interests at heart?

I am under no illusions that my email is private, that my Facebook account is private, etc. But I still believe that the goodness in the world will triumph.

What do you think? Do you think we're all living in the "Matrix", distracted by TMZ and Star Magazine on purpose? Or do you think it's all a bunch of ridiculousness?


Anonymous said…
There actually is no privacy. You can be tracked by your cellphone. If you leave your phone on even if you are not using it can be tracked. Very useful for tracking down criminals but the fact that it can be used for every day people is scary. This subject always makes me a little paranoid. Now I'll be thinking about this the rest of the day.
Thanks, Great Post as usual
Love ya
I am not big on conspiracy theories but I do feel like as a culture we are not paying attention to what is really going on.

You are right, privacy is over. It's actually worse in other countries (and I'm not talking about just the communist ones) w/CCTV and that you can be stopped at any time and have to show a photo I.D.

I try not to be negative about the future but it's hard sometimes. I saw on the news the other day American teens came in 25th on an international math test. I believe Finland was number 1. This is not a good thing.
Mes Deux Cents said…

I think that there are definitely conspiracies all around us. Most we will never know of. Occasionally someone comes across one and the population generally dismisses it and calls the person that discovered it a wacko.

Some of the things you write about are the plans of the neo-conservatives. The interesting thing about open conspiracies is that we can read about them. There are times when those who conspire are so arrogant that they don't really try to hide what they are doing. You can read about the neo-cons plans to invade a Middle Eastern nation (Iraq) on a website called Project for a New American Century (PNAC).

So many times the writing is on the wall. As far as specific conspiracies. I think one that is right under our noses is that the government refuses to fix public education. After all a stupid electorate is an easily controlled electorate.

I have heard also about the neo-cons plans for a North America free of boarders. It’s already begun. We don't have a southern boarder in the U.S.

The only reason that the plans haven't moved along as planned is because the neo-cons have screwed up in Iraq an have lost most of their political capitol.

On religion, it's easy to see that religion is and has been a tool for many things beyond spirituality. I don't think that anyone was smart enough to create Christianity as a tool to control for the masses; however I think that many have used it for that.

There are a bunch of things that are out there like stuff about the Masons and their political influence. I think if I remember correctly George Washington was a Mason. The pyramid symbol on paper money is a Masonic symbol. In fact PBS did a show about the Mason conspiracies. Just go to PBS and search.

All in all I think the most insidious conspiracies happen and are known about but the masses are not able to come together to stop them. We all know that the CIA used the selling of crack in the inner cities to fund covert ops in Central America. But has anything been done about it? Nope.

Sorry to be so wordy but I love the idea that there are actual conspiracies going on and that we ignore them because we don’t want to seem like we buy into crazy things.

Also I'm at work and I'm waiting for a meeting to start that was supposed to start 20 minutes ago. (lol)

Great post

Toni Campbell said…
I am a huge conspiracy theorist, moreso when I was younger, though. I do believe that there are a lot of untold stories that we as regular citizens aren't privy to. Lots of disturbing things get passed through Congress hidden in unrelated bills that we do hear about. I too want the world to be more cohesive and borders eliminated, but the "One World" that "they" have in mind is totally different. It will more that likely put more power in the hands of fewer people and that is what most conspiracy theorists are afraid of.
Ian Lidster said…
Well, as the old saying goes: "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean that they aren't out to get you."
Such paranoia comes in waves with me. I have been in the media business to know that 'all' politiicans regardless of party are self-seeking weasels, and that the poor are always at the bottom of the list because they'e impotent to fight back -- hence the disgustingness of Katrina and its aftermath.
I don't even say this cynically, because such things have always been true.
On the other hand, I am not really a conspiracy buff, either. I don't believe most politicians are smart enough to set such things in motion.
Oh, and I had already heard ot the North American unification concept. It actually got a fair amount of play in Canadian papers.
Jameil said…
i'm not big on conspiracy theories either but i do believe everything we do is being watched. our voracious consumption of technology is just helping. you know what really scares me? those eye scan things. NO THANK YOU!!
none said…
A lot of what we put up with is not kosher, The federal reserve, the NSA monitoring every communication, the 5000 pages of laws that get passed each month that will eventually make us all felons without even knowing it.

Yeah it's depressing.
Tami said…
No, I'm not a big believer in conspiracy theories, but I do believe in not blindly following authority and accepting common wisdom. And I definitely believe that, either by design or by chance, our modern Western lifestyles have made us lazy citizens--sheep at the mercy of corporations and governments with their own interests in mind.
epikles said…
"bunch of ridiculousness" gets my vote.

we got some folks where i live who sincerely believe that the golden gate national recreation area is part of a united nations plan to take over the united states, one children's playground at a time!
Liz Dwyer said…
EEK! Tracked by my cell phone! I'm not surprised. I suppose it could be helpful if I drive into a ditch or something, but if "someone" just wants to know where I am in the world, that's creepy. I guess it's all the intent with which we use technology. You see why I was all depressed though after watching 2 hours of that type of thing. Ugh.

No, overall we aren't paying attention, although I'd like to hope that more people are with the rise of the internet. I try to keep positive about the future and remember that for something new and better to come to life, twin processes have to happen. The old, corrupt ways have to come apart in order for something new to be born.

Not wordy at all. I loved reading your thoughts. And yes, public education is a doozy. There's so much bureacracy and red tape to cut through to get anything real done. Most of the schools in major cities in this country are failing. It's a real travesty. I think it's because there's an unsaid belief that if everyone's child is educated, then there won't be enough spots in college, enough high paying jobs, etc. It's in the interest of the ruling class to keep things the way they are.

I also think there are a whole lot of untold stories out there. Sometimes I wonder what will be revealed a hundred years ago after we're all long gone.

How did I miss hearing about this North American Union? I watch the news, read internet news sites...maybe it came out in one of my really busy work times when I'd basically disappear from all human interaction. My paranoia also comes in waves and I also don't believe most politicians are as smart as we give them credit. But I do think the people behind the politicians are that smart.

Oh no, I am not getting an eye scan. Same reason that even if someone tried to give me Lasik, no thanks. It all reminds me of that Gattaca movie a bit too much.

The stuff in the film about the way the Rockefellers manipulated banks in order to create the federal reserve and then how the fed basically caused the stock market crash and the Great Depression was just sickening. A great line was that the federal reserve is about as "federal" as federal express.

We definitely are some lazy folks. There's a real lack of independently investigating the truth. If someone tells us something is true, then we'll believe it. It's how those Swiftboat people got Kerry last election. You repeat the lie enough and people believe it's true.

I know nothing about that area, but that just sounds silly!
SheWhoLives said…
I believe in covert networks and conspiracies, of course. I also believe in the supreme power of the mind and collective intention in shaping one's own reality...

A great book which goes into some of these issues and many, many others is "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manly P. Hall. A hefty tome but well worth the time and effort.
Anonymous said…
I think that your article here is exceedingly discerning but the problem is the American dream does not allow for such thinking that encourages thinking out of the box.
The American system creates illusions and smokescreens. For example weapons of mass destruction that can be used in hours!!! Say no more.
(Dont get me wrong I love America) and its people, but the administration leaves a lot to be desired, to say the least!
Your audience will switch off on you, they are all subject to a very intensive social and political programming agenda, Sky News, CNN, etc, Black people as inferior white people as superior etc, and they are can be way too conservative. So one can understand why people stay away from these topics in the public domain. Example, you have comparitively less feedback on this topic than you thought you would? Privately, and subconsciously people will agree with you. We are controlled and dominated but perversely perhaps we have to be???
Finally, people do not like to hear the truth, so if you want to keep your audience stay away from these systemic conspiracy matters.
The discussion of politics, religion, psychology, spiritualism, economics, etc, all invoke emotions that darker forces try to rule, tackling them is always fraught with difficulty and it is often difficult to say what you think. Remember it wasnt too long ago that witches were burnt at the stake for less!!!!
Your heart is good, true, pure, you mean well, you look to inspire, inform and involve the masses in a way that only a few can. Keep it up!
Kind British Seasonal Greetings to You and Yours!
Gunfighter said…
YOu can make a conspiracy out of practically anything... I wouldn't spend too much time on this stuff, if I were you... but then, I'm not you, so... you know. do as you please.


storyteller said…
I recall while reading The Matarese Circle by Robert Ludlum (years ago) getting chills wondering if we're all being manipulated by a few rich, powerful people who feel above the law ... and deciding that if we are, there's not much we can do about it ... but we DO have total control over the personal choices we make in OUR lives. That keeps me grounded and centered ... though one of the previous folks commenting took MY first thought which is "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean folks aren't out to getcha." I guess we need to pay attention without becoming overwhelmed ... then do what we can with what we have where we are.
Hugs and blessings,
Keith said…
It's probably a little bit of both - we live in the ridiculous Matrix. I believe nothing until I see it. I was just reading that in 2005 "they" signed the bill to build a 12 foot high 700 mile long wall between the US and Mexico at a cost of several billion dollars. That kind of runs counter to the NA Union. I'll believe it all when I see it. (BTW - Jesus Christ the "man" is a historical fact, he existed. How the world corrupted his message is a different story entirely.)
Liz Dwyer said…
So do people act like your crazy because you believe in that stuff? What you said makes me think about fate. Fate exists but we also have the free will to shape our own destiny.

Another book to check out, thank you! I have a really lengthy list going on right now!

One thing I have noticed is that the more I write about race and class and what's really going on in this world, some people who used to read my blog frequently stopped coming to visit me. And that's okay. I have to ask the questions I have. I have to write what I see, what I experience, what is true. "Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues."

For example, our society loves gossip magazines and websites, but I'm not going to suddenly try to make this space into one, just to gain a broader audience, just as I wouldn't stop writing about the things I think are critical for us all to grapple with. Ultimately, we are moving towards a new existence, whether we want it or not. So those who are afraid to talk about these things or want to bury their heads in the sand are surely going to have to face facts eventually.

I also think sometimes folks don't comment because they don't want to seem stupid, or they don't know what exactly to say. I hope that's not the case here, but I know I've felt that way sometimes when I'm on other sites. I suppose it's all a matter of perspective.

And seasonal greetings back to you and yours. ;)

Your comment made me laugh! Of course I will do as I please, within reason! (I'm not trying to join a cult of individuality, LOL!) I don't think everything is a conspiracy, but I do think there are folks who secretly plan to do evil in this world. History has proven that to be true...just look at the Nazis.

You are SO right. We do have control over our personal decisions. I am the one who decides whether to be kind or rude to someone. I decide whether to run a red light or stop when I'm supposed to. It's a matter of being moderate in our outlooks. I will drive myself insane if I think everyone is out to get me! I can't even imagine thinking like that.

And I love how you always give "Hugs and blessings". Thank you for that.

Very true. Sadly, we have a whole nation that got told that WMD existed, and we believed it without seeing it.

I don't get how folks still want to act like Jesus is a made up myth. Even with all the human corruption of His story, it's still a very powerful and moving one.
Frank said…
Did Jesus exist? Maybe. Was he born of a virgin birth? No.
Did the writers of the Bible chapters exaggerate his story beyond belief? You bet. Was there an agenda behind the writing? There is an agenda behind all writing. Whether it's to get people to read, move, think, act or believe.

Did the US have anything to do with 911. Of course. Are we a free nation? To a point. Have we been lied to by our government? Since 1776.

Do the the majority of the rich care about the rest of us? Why would they. They don't even believe we exist.
When you get a chance to stay in a penthouse suite on vacation, or fly first class, what's the chances the problems of the world will dance through your mind.
Well that is how the rich are 98% of the time.
Do Rich like to spend money? Hell no! The richer you get the cheaper you will be, except for the first class thing or the penthouse suite. But those are usually gifts from other rich people anyway.

If you care, do something about it. If you don't then just live your life.

Our time is coming anyway. All the money in the world can't stop that.

Even if they made a pill to keep you alive forever, I would hate to be that guy when the sun starts to melt the earth. Great Kodak moment, if you have hands to hold the camera, or if your robot has not melted before taking the pictures.
Anonymous said…
Did Jesus exist? Maybe. Was he born of a virgin birth? No.
Did the writers of the Bible chapters exaggerate his story beyond belief? You bet. Was there an agenda behind the writing? There is an agenda behind all writing. Whether it's to get people to read, move, think, act or believe.

Did the US have anything to do with 911. Of course. Are we a free nation? To a point. Have we been lied to by our government? Since 1776.

Do the the majority of the rich care about the rest of us? Why would they. They don't even believe we exist.
When you get a chance to stay in a penthouse suite on vacation, or fly first class, what's the chances the problems of the world will dance through your mind.
Well that is how the rich are 98% of the time.
Do Rich like to spend money? Hell no! The richer you get the cheaper you will be, except for the first class thing or the penthouse suite. But those are usually gifts from other rich people anyway.

If you care, do something about it. If you don't then just live your life.

Our time is coming anyway. All the money in the world can't stop that.

Even if they made a pill to keep you alive forever, I would hate to be that guy when the sun starts to melt the earth. Great Kodak moment, if you have hands to hold the camera, or if your robot has not melted before taking the pictures.
Frank said…
Did Jesus exist? Maybe. Was he born of a virgin birth? No.
Did the writers of the Bible chapters exaggerate his story beyond belief? You bet. Was there an agenda behind the writing? There is an agenda behind all writing. Whether it's to get people to read, move, think, act or believe.

Did the US have anything to do with 911. Of course. Are we a free nation? To a point. Have we been lied to by our government? Since 1776.

Do the the majority of the rich care about the rest of us? Why would they. They don't even believe we exist.
When you get a chance to stay in a penthouse suite on vacation, or fly first class, what's the chances the problems of the world will dance through your mind.
Well that is how the rich are 98% of the time.
Do Rich like to spend money? Hell no! The richer you get the cheaper you will be, except for the first class thing or the penthouse suite. But those are usually gifts from other rich people anyway.

If you care, do something about it. If you don't then just live your life.

Our time is coming anyway. All the money in the world can't stop that.

Even if they made a pill to keep you alive forever, I would hate to be that guy when the sun starts to melt the earth. Great Kodak moment, if you have hands to hold the camera, or if your robot has not melted before taking the pictures.
Frank said…
Did Jesus exist? Maybe. Was he born of a virgin birth? No.
Did the writers of the Bible chapters exaggerate his story beyond belief? You bet. Was there an agenda behind the writing? There is an agenda behind all writing. Whether it's to get people to read, move, think, act or believe.

Did the US have anything to do with 911. Of course. Are we a free nation? To a point. Have we been lied to by our government? Since 1776.

Do the the majority of the rich care about the rest of us? Why would they. They don't even believe we exist.
When you get a chance to stay in a penthouse suite on vacation, or fly first class, what's the chances the problems of the world will dance through your mind.
Well that is how the rich are 98% of the time.
Do Rich like to spend money? Hell no! The richer you get the cheaper you will be, except for the first class thing or the penthouse suite. But those are usually gifts from other rich people anyway.

If you care, do something about it. If you don't then just live your life.

Our time is coming anyway. All the money in the world can't stop that.

Even if they made a pill to keep you alive forever, I would hate to be that guy when the sun starts to melt the earth. Great Kodak moment, if you have hands to hold the camera, or if your robot has not melted before taking the pictures.
Frank said…
Did Jesus exist? Maybe. Was he born of a virgin birth? No.
Did the writers of the Bible chapters exaggerate his story beyond belief? You bet. Was there an agenda behind the writing? There is an agenda behind all writing. Whether it's to get people to read, move, think, act or believe.

Did the US have anything to do with 911. Of course. Are we a free nation? To a point. Have we been lied to by our government? Since 1776.

Do the the majority of the rich care about the rest of us? Why would they. They don't even believe we exist.
When you get a chance to stay in a penthouse suite on vacation, or fly first class, what's the chances the problems of the world will dance through your mind.
Well that is how the rich are 98% of the time.
Do Rich like to spend money? Hell no! The richer you get the cheaper you will be, except for the first class thing or the penthouse suite. But those are usually gifts from other rich people anyway.

If you care, do something about it. If you don't then just live your life.

Our time is coming anyway. All the money in the world can't stop that.

Even if they made a pill to keep you alive forever, I would hate to be that guy when the sun starts to melt the earth. Great Kodak moment, if you have hands to hold the camera, or if your robot has not melted before taking the pictures.