A Sonnet For Dreamers

When weary eyes close seeking solace true.
Embracing silence after darkness falls
Can you hear my soul calling back to you?
Your deepest desire, a vision real
Heart open, unveiled, before you I stand.
Intuition’s muse sharing words that heal,
Dreams revealed, your tender touch warms my hand.
Yet I disappear with dawn’s precious light
Your eyes opened by morning songbird cries.
Memory clinging till again comes night
Magical wish swiftly closing your eyes.
Inhale my essence, in this love’s dream state
Never to meet in sunshine, such cruel fate.
By the way, I hope your husband gets reconnected with the BMG soon. It's really blowin' up.
I know, the sonnets. I really couldn't help it. I had to write this one. Believe it or not, and I'm going to really show my nerdiness here, it's partially inspired by Aragorn and Arwen from, cough, Lord of the Rings.
And yes, I hope he gets reconnected with BMG too. At the very least, regionally.
"Inhale my essence, in this love’s dream state
Never to meet in sunshine, such cruel fate."
Dedicated to all my dream lovers...
You are a woman of many talents, Liz. Thank you for trusting us with your poetry.
Thanks so much for the praise! It took me about six hours to write the whole thing, but that last quatrain and, in particular, that last couplet were extremely difficult for me. I had a jumble of words in front of me...and then suddenly, there it was in my mind with such clarity that I wondered why I hadn't seen it before.
Why thank you! I'll make sure to extend thanks to my muses that inspired the poem. ;) Really, that means a whole lot, particularly on days like today where I've just felt a bit like crawling in a cave.
Ruth Ann,
Yeah, it was restless today, wasn't it? What was up with that? And proofreading...pfft! I've heard it's overrated to all but snobby English teachers and writers. ;0
Thank you so much! Now I need to take these talents and go to bed! :)
Just a thought. Also, if you ever run into Joe Khoury or Allison Grover give them a hug from me, or Jamie Heath as well.
If you come out here then we definitely have to connect. We'd love to have y'all over. Email me and I'll send you all my contact info. And I just saw Joe and Allison the other night at Feast. Their baby is getting so big!
It's something that seems so tangible but can prove to be so elusive in our waking moments. I really believe that when we're all asleep our souls connect as they were meant to. Hope all works out with your relationship, if it's what's meant to be.
This sonnet is beautiful, pure, real, challenging, inspirational and so romantic.
I love romantic notions, the world is a changing place where it seems that romance is predefined for us, eg. buy your partner roses- yet it is so much more.
Liz what lovely sweet words, thoughts and paradoxically sad sentiments.
I am slightly envious, for i wish i too could write like you, with such clarity, purpose and purity.
You extol the virtues of Love, Hope and Faith.
Your sonnets are better than most i have ever read. You should publish a book of them and you should get other bloggers to send their sonnets in so that we can all share some love!!
Keep it up!
Thanks for the encouragement and the understanding. You totally get the meaning of this sonnet. And, I would love to get a book of these together once I get a large enough collection. You should also contribute your own work. I am sure that you could write something wonderful. I'm plotting a trip to France for next year for inspiration and because I've always wanted to go. Maybe I should try to include a trip to Shakespeare's grave since I'll be on that side of the pond. Surely such an atmosphere will inspire me to write even more sonnets.
I think I truly am a romantic. I used to be believe I was just all practicality and that "romance" was for idiots who loved Julia Roberts movies, but then something changed and I began to see things differently. Now I really believe that the purest romance is the connection of two like-minded souls, and you're right, that has nothing to do with flowers or chocolate.
Thanks for visiting and commenting. (Love that name by the way). I have the creative commons copyright on this site, but I think you're right, I should be doing more than that.
Wow that was beautiful. Thanks so much for re-posting it.