Princeton Boy At The Post Office
I've spent a lot of time at the post office recently. I mailed a book to a friend, express mailed something else, and today, I bought more of these cute superhero stamps. You know, stuff you do at the post office. Oh and you also stand in line forever and watch people, without making it seem like you're watching them.
One blond twenty-something man I saw , looking like a scion of privilege with his Princeton t-shirt, dark wash jeans and flip flops, really caught my eye today. Or rather my ear.
"Why isn't my f***king package here? Look at the f***ing package slip! It says right here to come pick it up here at the counter!"
The incredibly calm postal employee behind the counter spoke in a very low voice but it sounded like she was explaining that the package had been taken out on the mail truck again to be delivered at the address on the slip. To which, Cusser-Outer Princeton Boy replied, "Well there's NO ONE f***ing home, now is there? Because I'M RIGHT HERE! I want to see the manager RIGHT NOW!"
I guess he either a) watches too many Tarantino movies or b) missed all those stories of post office workers going postal.
The manager came and said they were trying to locate the package and asked Cusser-Outer Princeton Boy to wait a few minutes while they contacted the driver of the truck and got the package back. Princeton Boy sighed dramatically and then proceeded to whip out his cell phone and call up his friends to complain.
The first attempt to talk trash about the post-office went like this: "Yeah, dude, I'm at the f***ing post-office. This bi***h doesn't have my f***ing package! Oh, ok, you're busy. Ok. Yeah. Call me later. Bye."
He then muttered to himself, "A**hole!"
I'm still not sure if he was talking about himself or his busy friend.
Another number was quickly dialed. This friend was a more sympathetic ear, and, along with all the rest of us, got treated to the extended remix version of, "Yeah, dude, I'm at the f***ing post-office. This bi***h doesn't have my f***ing package!" Cusser-Outer Princeton Boy also felt the need to include the details of what he felt to be the incompetence demonstrated by the post office employee who'd tried to help him. "This stupid b***h said my package is out on a truck!"
And a few seconds later, this gem, "Yeah, I bet she didn't even graduate from high school."
I know she could hear him. He was only two or three yards away from her. After all, I could hear him and I was all the way on the other side of the room. I scanned the waiting line and the faces behind me looked nonchalantly bored, annoyed or else panicked over whether they'd correctly filled out the post office mailing and shipping labels. Nobody told this guy to watch his language or his manners, including yours truly.
As I got closer to the front of the line, I began to tune our insulting Princeton Boy out. Lost in my own thoughts, I started to wonder how it was that the postal employee and her manager both kept their cool. I wondered if they're used to that sort of behavior from customers and so it just rolls off of them. I started to wonder why they didn't have a security guard escort Princeton Boy off the premises with an admonition to get some class and better manners the next time he gets a $100,000 education.
I started to wonder if he would have been treated so well if he hadn't been a white guy with a Princeton t-shirt on.
When it was my turn to approach the counter, I ended up getting the same postal employee that had waited on Princeton Boy. She seemed relieved to hear that all I wanted was a sheet of superhero stamps. I asked her how her day was going and, without batting an eye, she said it was going just fine. She smiled heartily as she told me to have a nice day.
Princeton Boy still stood a few feet away, rambling on his cell phone about a property he was buying. I am clearly not so generous hearted as the postal employee. I wanted to kick him as I walked past him. I hope his package fell off the mail truck and got hit by a Hummer.
One blond twenty-something man I saw , looking like a scion of privilege with his Princeton t-shirt, dark wash jeans and flip flops, really caught my eye today. Or rather my ear.
"Why isn't my f***king package here? Look at the f***ing package slip! It says right here to come pick it up here at the counter!"
The incredibly calm postal employee behind the counter spoke in a very low voice but it sounded like she was explaining that the package had been taken out on the mail truck again to be delivered at the address on the slip. To which, Cusser-Outer Princeton Boy replied, "Well there's NO ONE f***ing home, now is there? Because I'M RIGHT HERE! I want to see the manager RIGHT NOW!"
I guess he either a) watches too many Tarantino movies or b) missed all those stories of post office workers going postal.
The manager came and said they were trying to locate the package and asked Cusser-Outer Princeton Boy to wait a few minutes while they contacted the driver of the truck and got the package back. Princeton Boy sighed dramatically and then proceeded to whip out his cell phone and call up his friends to complain.
The first attempt to talk trash about the post-office went like this: "Yeah, dude, I'm at the f***ing post-office. This bi***h doesn't have my f***ing package! Oh, ok, you're busy. Ok. Yeah. Call me later. Bye."
He then muttered to himself, "A**hole!"
I'm still not sure if he was talking about himself or his busy friend.
Another number was quickly dialed. This friend was a more sympathetic ear, and, along with all the rest of us, got treated to the extended remix version of, "Yeah, dude, I'm at the f***ing post-office. This bi***h doesn't have my f***ing package!" Cusser-Outer Princeton Boy also felt the need to include the details of what he felt to be the incompetence demonstrated by the post office employee who'd tried to help him. "This stupid b***h said my package is out on a truck!"
And a few seconds later, this gem, "Yeah, I bet she didn't even graduate from high school."
I know she could hear him. He was only two or three yards away from her. After all, I could hear him and I was all the way on the other side of the room. I scanned the waiting line and the faces behind me looked nonchalantly bored, annoyed or else panicked over whether they'd correctly filled out the post office mailing and shipping labels. Nobody told this guy to watch his language or his manners, including yours truly.
As I got closer to the front of the line, I began to tune our insulting Princeton Boy out. Lost in my own thoughts, I started to wonder how it was that the postal employee and her manager both kept their cool. I wondered if they're used to that sort of behavior from customers and so it just rolls off of them. I started to wonder why they didn't have a security guard escort Princeton Boy off the premises with an admonition to get some class and better manners the next time he gets a $100,000 education.
I started to wonder if he would have been treated so well if he hadn't been a white guy with a Princeton t-shirt on.
When it was my turn to approach the counter, I ended up getting the same postal employee that had waited on Princeton Boy. She seemed relieved to hear that all I wanted was a sheet of superhero stamps. I asked her how her day was going and, without batting an eye, she said it was going just fine. She smiled heartily as she told me to have a nice day.
Princeton Boy still stood a few feet away, rambling on his cell phone about a property he was buying. I am clearly not so generous hearted as the postal employee. I wanted to kick him as I walked past him. I hope his package fell off the mail truck and got hit by a Hummer.
p.s. I thought your post about Depeche Mode was hilarious.
Anyway, I got the superhero stamps too!! (Even though there was no Black Adam stamp!!)
i probably would have stared the guy down. i tend to do that with people exhibiting thick layers of entitlement. but, then again, i know i can do it without repurcussion because i'm little and white... maybe i should also try communicating aloud too, instead of just relying on stares and "what the hell?" expressions.
Yes, that sense of entitlement and the sense of superiority were killing me. It was like he believed the entire world revolved around him. I almost expected him to shout, "Do you know who I am???"
Yes, the Depeche Mode. I went back and read it myself and it made me chuckle too. I am obsessed, huh!
Weren't we supposed to have those holographic image things by now? If we had those, I'd just be able to beam you up so you can handle things with that proper Marine prowess.
I am really loving the Green Arrow stamp. But nope, no Black Adam stamp. :(
Your probably right about me not being able to hang in the hotel industry. I don't know if I could take folks like P-Boy every day. I hope you don't come across his type too often.
The problem is that there are so many crazy people that you don't know what other folks are going to do if you say something. My mom once told me a story about a man who stabbed two women who had just walked by him. He stabbed them because they were laughing as they walked by. He thought they were laughing at him. Crazy, huh? Now, that kind of story can have us walking around scared to talk to anybody, which is NOT a good thing, but I always think about it whenever I want to say something to someone. Anyway, I'm hope I made the lady feel better. Even though folks don't always go to that extreme of rudeness, I know people don't always say please and thank you.
I realized a long time ago that that was what was in play when construction workers (or whomever) cat-called me on the street. If they're willing to be so rude, what would responding to them bring on!?
I blame Elizabeth Hasselback. But then, I blame her for everything. It's probably really just too much TV news.
People who have been given so much more than their share in life have an obligation to be kind, but rarely are. It's just as easy to spread civility around as to stage such a tasteless and offensive performance that everybody in the room is affected by it.
I hope the little shit falls off his high horse and gets made into roadkill by that same Hummer.
Yeah, I rarely say anything back to folks who holler at me in the street other than, "Have a nice day!" This is completely reprehensible, but I once faked sign language to someone on the street who decided to walk with me and spit game. I figured if I made him think I couldn't hear them or talk to him, he'd go away. It worked. And I agree, I'll blame Elizabeth Hasselback for that too! LOL!
You're right. He's clearly suffering. How do you treat this narcissistic rage? Now I feel bad for wishing his package got run over by a Hummer. Hmm.
This guy really struck me as so "American Psycho" that I really can't imagine saying anything to him. The last time I told some folks to watch their mouths was some teenagers in the Rite Aid. I was with my kids and these teens were in the next aisle over and just cussing up a storm. I yelled over the shelf for them to please stop swearing because I didn't want to hear it and neither did my kids...and they cussed me out. Sigh.
I do feel bad wishing something bad would happen to his package so I hope a Hummer doesn't get him. But I wonder what it would take to change someone who is feeling what Phillipe referred to as narcissistic rage.
Don't feel bad though, people who are sick are very good at making other people around them sick as well. You could say that everyone in that interaction, including yourself would benefit from healing and wholeness in their lives. This is the path of transformation of human relationships such that the kind of behavior that you described will become less and less common to the point where the very thought of behaving the way this young man did would cause him deep inner pain and a sense of shame.
Our society is essentially pathological, and so produces pathological behavior on a massive scale everywhere, every day. Thus people acting crazy is to be expected. The question is how do we create a society that brings out the best in human beings rather than the worst.
I can think of about ten new discussions that can branch off of this one. We'll discuss when I come to L.A. and we're eating at House of Pies.
Great stuff!
It was just a week or so ago that a 57 year old grandmother was shot to death for flashing her lights and honking at a tagger. Just flashing her lights!
I believe if the guy had been black, security would have magically appeared.
The way our culture is now, it's so difficult for any of us to feel adequate. We can never be too rich or too thin, right? I'll bet all of us have some of this narcissistic rage to some extent.
I'm sure there's a huge feel it the minute you step out of this country. But I think kids in other conflicted places in the world have a similar experience to kids growing up in low-income areas in the US. Those kids also deal with such violence and conflict in their neighborhoods...indeed, lots to talk about at the House of Pies!
Yes, there's a part of me that wanted to laugh over the situation, because it was so ridiculous, but then there's a part of me that cringes and thinks that the laughter is due merely to complete uncomfortability with the situation.
But wouldn't I be giving myself "bad karma" if I'm wishing something bad for this guy? After a couple of days, I think I just hope he gets some help soon.
I'm in lots of situations where I don't know what to say. I guess that's why I just come home and write it all down.
That story about the grandmother is so awful. It is a shame that we have to think of such things. I'm sure that grandmother was only being a kindhearted soul, trying to help someone and was repaid with such evil. And, I think security would have appeared too.
Well, if being cussed out was all folks had to worry about, wouldn't that be nice? It seems there's more to be concerned about that just that.
Miz JJ,
Yes, the honey thing works wonders, doesn't it? But I guess it doesn't work wonders for everyone. The postal employee was really nice to him, but he just was hell-bent on being the vinegar.
W/o the kids I just tell the guy that I've had a shitty day and hearing him is not making it better so he really needs to take the conversation and shove it.
I loved reading your blog. I was born in LA and have moved around a lot thanks to my hippie parents.
I added you to my blog, so I hope you don't mind. If you do, let me know and I will take you off.
Yeah, although those teens in the Rite Aid didn't care that I was with my kids, I think most folks would. At least I hope so.
Welcome and of course you can add me to your blogroll! Come by and visit me anytime you like! :)
I was thinking death by coke overdose myself, but a heart attack works too.
That's a great question and I wondered that too. I don't know if it's because he didn't make any direct threats to her or maybe the postal employees are just used to this kind of thing. It's a sad thought that folks get used to that.