Shake It, Shh-Shake It...But Please Don't Break It!
Clearly, the bad thing about being up at one in the morning is that I'm aware that an earthquake just happened. See the nice red square on the map? That was our earthquake.
Now, if I was sleeping like I should be, I'd think the shaking was one of the kids trying to climb into bed with me, or maybe I'd think it was part of a really good dream.
Instead, I've been awake, sitting on the couch, listening to the new Blaqk Audio, thinking too much and writing it all down.
And then the couch started to feel like it was vibrating, like if a really big truck was going by.
But, it's one in the morning so there are no trucks.
Before I knew it, other stuff started to vibrate and move.
There's that feeling of uncertainty and, heck, I'll say it, FEAR, when an earthquake starts. Is it going to be a micro-quake, a light quake or...
You know, the big one where all of us LA sinners fall of the face of the earth and float away into the Pacific, which will be a total bummer since I don't know how to swim. But just imagine, this ginormous quake of the future will put TMZ out of business because all the celebrities will be flattened under the collapsed walls of their mansions.
Well, not all the celebrities. Clearly, Orlando Bloom will survive because he's living in the UK these days and hanging out with the very lovely Naomie Harris.
I swear, I look at that picture and totally think they look like my mom and dad forty years ago.
Anyway, since I'm typing this, you can tell it wasn't "The Big One." Plus, I love technology because I can go to to the U.S. Geological Survey website and immediately find out info about the quake we just had. It's been categorized as a "light earthquake" since it was only a magnitude 4.5.
Seriously, 4.5...that's not so bad. A picture on one of the shelves slid off, but that's so not a big deal.
Wow, I really can't believe I just wrote that. Yeah, after almost nine years, LA is definitely home if I'm cool with a picture sliding off a shelf.
Now, back to the writing, listening, and thinking I was doing.
Or, maybe I should just go to bed so I can sleep through any aftershocks.
Now, if I was sleeping like I should be, I'd think the shaking was one of the kids trying to climb into bed with me, or maybe I'd think it was part of a really good dream.
Instead, I've been awake, sitting on the couch, listening to the new Blaqk Audio, thinking too much and writing it all down.
And then the couch started to feel like it was vibrating, like if a really big truck was going by.
But, it's one in the morning so there are no trucks.
Before I knew it, other stuff started to vibrate and move.
There's that feeling of uncertainty and, heck, I'll say it, FEAR, when an earthquake starts. Is it going to be a micro-quake, a light quake or...
You know, the big one where all of us LA sinners fall of the face of the earth and float away into the Pacific, which will be a total bummer since I don't know how to swim. But just imagine, this ginormous quake of the future will put TMZ out of business because all the celebrities will be flattened under the collapsed walls of their mansions.
Well, not all the celebrities. Clearly, Orlando Bloom will survive because he's living in the UK these days and hanging out with the very lovely Naomie Harris.
I swear, I look at that picture and totally think they look like my mom and dad forty years ago.
Anyway, since I'm typing this, you can tell it wasn't "The Big One." Plus, I love technology because I can go to to the U.S. Geological Survey website and immediately find out info about the quake we just had. It's been categorized as a "light earthquake" since it was only a magnitude 4.5.
Seriously, 4.5...that's not so bad. A picture on one of the shelves slid off, but that's so not a big deal.
Wow, I really can't believe I just wrote that. Yeah, after almost nine years, LA is definitely home if I'm cool with a picture sliding off a shelf.
Now, back to the writing, listening, and thinking I was doing.
Or, maybe I should just go to bed so I can sleep through any aftershocks.
When I lived in the midwest we spent many a day and night in the basement waiting for tornadoes to pass by so I guess earthquakes are just something else to get used to.
I laughed at your title today. That's what my wife sometimes calls out if I go into the bathroom to pee.
I also hear you guys have a lot of great white sharks out your way. So many risks to living on the West Coast, I think I'll stay right here.
I have never experienced one of that magnitude, and in fact, the small ones are kind of exciting because I grew up on the East coast, where they never had any until recently.
But if we all fall into the sea, it won't matter who can swim and who can't.
It doesn't surprise me that YOU have gorgeous parents, though.
Don't worry Liz, I'm sure one of your faithful readers will fly a helicoper over the broken pieces and find you and the family!
I remember the terror of tornadoes. I used to dread those sirens, then the power going out and the interminable hiding in the basement under some table covered in cobwebs. But at least there's a warning system with tornadoes.
I KNOW! Totally crazy, right?
I guess I'm used to it now because at least I don't jump up and start screaming like I used to in my first year here.
Gosh, I didn't realize that you all got earthquakes there as well. And that's REALLY funny that that's what your wife says!
I've only seen a shark at the aquarium but that could be because I tend to stay out of the ocean here since the water's a bit cool. On the other hand, if y'alls heat goes out, you're going to freeze to death, get buried under mounds of snow...or disappear into that Big Dig fiasco. So you see, the West Coast isn't too bad at all! ;)
Having talked to folks who were here during the Northridge quake, I hope we don't have to experience one of that magnitude either. I suppose you're right about the swimming thing. Still, I guess it won't hurt me to learn, just in case!
And aren't those two a good looking couple? I hope they last. My parents are pretty darn good looking...but I could be biased!
Gotta love that "Ring of Fire" earthquake action. That has to be pretty scary to experience post-tsunami. I know here I was pretty happy that I didn't live on the beach.
And I'd hope somebody would bring the helicopter. If not, I'll see if I can hook up some sort of ghost-blogging from the next world.
I don't know about that picture thing. The hair is looking a tad bit crazy today. I might single-handedly cause a break-up.
After I read this post CNN announced we were overdue for "the big one" due to urban sprawl. An expert claimed that it will be around 7.9, lasting for about 2-3 minutes. They also reminded the viewers about the '89 quake.
Hah hah! Yeah, learning to swim is one of my new fitness goals to accomplish before '07 is over.
Before I moved out there, I thought there'd be an earthquake every day. And I was right! Except they're so small that you don't really feel most of them. The earth is always moving out here though!
Fashionista & Baby,
Whew, that's a close call you had with the Loma Prieta quake. Thank goodness you didn't get stuck on that bridge. I hadn't heard that CNN story but I suppose it's a sign to make sure we have our earthquake safety kit all ready to go. I just hope "the big one" will hold off for another 60 or 70 least till I'm no longer around.
You've been tagged by me. Please come by for details.
You might have just thought it was an airplane shaking the house. I was just over in Westchester today and wowzer, those planes are so loud! Good thinking about the picture frames. I have one on the wall over my bed. I guess I should move it.
Oh yeah! I'll come check it out! :)
Yeah, a tornado in Brooklyn? What is up with that? That just seems unreal. To me, tornadoes are just as scary though because you don't know which way that thing is going to go.