A Los Angelista Giveaway: ANOTHER Four-Pack of LA Auto Show Tickets

Next time I decide to hit up the Los Angeles Auto Show, remind me NOT to go on the same day there's a Lakers game AND the American Music Awards going on downtown.

Yes, folks, I tried to attend the Auto Show on Sunday so I could check out the
Chevy Camaro that's surely coming my way, and wow, Downtown LA was a hot mess! Whoever thought it was a good idea to build the LA Convention Center, Staples Center and LA Live all right next to each other deserves to be slapped.

The good news? The Auto Show is open through the weekend, so I still have plenty of time to go and take the fam. AND
I can give away four more tickets to the Auto Show to another lucky Los Angelista reader!
Clearly, MAJOR top secret. Don't let there be Yugo's under those blankets, mmkay?

To enter:
Be a Southern California resident and leave me a comment by 1:00 PM PT on Wednesday, November 24, 2010. If you do not leave a name and I can't tell who you are, or how to contact you, you're disqualified!

Want some EXTRA entries?
  • For one extra lucky entry, create a link to this on Twitter and use @losangelista -- Come back here and comment again to let me know you did it!
  • For one extra concept car-sized entry, go on ahead and "like" the Los Angelista Facebook page -- Come back here and comment again and let me know you did it & what your Facebook ID is. (If you're already a fan, let me know that too!)
  • For additional giveaway rules and legal disclaimers, please click here.

  • Please include your contact info in your entry so I can email you if you win. If the winner does not reply to my email, I'll pick
    another winner.

    Good luck!

    UPDATE: We have a winner! Congratulations to Ileana!


    Jennifer said…
    Pick me this time!! :) I've already worked 40 hours this week, and it's only 8pm on Tuesday (Still at work..likely here til 3am or later!!) And need a break...and need to make it up to my boyfriend that I have been too busy to pay attention to him this week! :)

    (and i'm already a FB fan..I don't twitter, so I am going to skip that extra entry ;) )

    Ileana99 said…
    Okay lets see if this time we get lucky! Would love to check out the auto Show! And I already like, (more like love), Los Angelista!!