What's "The Wizard Of Oz "Really About?

Is it merely a fairytale or is it really all about money? Is the Wicked Witch of the East really a metaphor for Wall Street? Is the Yellow Brick Road really a stand in for the gold standard?
If I look at it as a political commentary, the, "Pay No Attention To That Man Behind The Curtain!" line is more relevant than ever. We aren't supposed to pay attention to what's what in our society. We're supposed to keep on shopping, keep on consuming and pretend we don't see the things that are staring us in the face.
It's also interesting to think about how a teenager is basically killing adults in this movie, but it's okay since it's all rather accidental. And, besides, they're female witches. Who cares if a couple of evil
Yep, the Wicked Witch /Miss Gulch character was really evil. I used to be able to do the, "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too," just like her.
What am I talking about, I can still do it. And even though I haven't seen "Wicked", I can empathize with the Wicked Witch because if your dog comes and bites me, guess what, Toto is getting put to sleep.
And then I'm suing you for not keeping Toto on a leash. You'll hear me cackling, "I'll get you my pretty, and your house/car/bank account too!"
Yes, I'll be living large in the Emerald City and you'll be in lock down at the county "storm cellar".
I'll come visit you in an H&M knockoff of the Good Witch Glinda's dress and some red shoes just like Dorothy's. Yep, put the two of those together and bam, instant hotness!
You see how easy it is to just think about the yellow brick road(gold) and the fly Manolo's? Yes, indeed, maybe "The Wizard of Oz" really is all about money.
If you read the book "Wicked", it's really about class and race. LOL
I am so glad I had nothing in my mouth when I read that. Hilarious!
It will be interesting to hear what others have to say about this.
I plead the 5th!
Just kidding. No, I haven't had any more of that mess. I am steering clear of all energy drinks unless they want to pay me to be a spokesmodel for them... or if I get paid to be a part of an insomnia study!
Nope, never had a drink in my life. Once I started thinking about it, I really thought about what a strange story it is. Here's this girl being escorted around by three guys dressed up in costumes! And they end up in a field of poppies. Hmm. I'll definitely have to check Wicked the book out. I always mean to read it but then never get around to it.
LOL! I'm waiting for my hate mail from PETA for that one.
How did I miss all this about this book? I'm definitely going to have to check "Wicked" out.
I saw this animation.. http://www.weshow.com/us/p/19778/after_oz_2007
funny guy :D
Blame TBS for the depth of thought. The first time I watched it, I wasn't really thinking about all that. By the second time though, I started going, "Hey, wait a minute!"
Thanks for sharing the link! He was getting his heart seriously broken, wasn't he?
Anyway, yep, a lot of crazy backstory themes came to the surface in the book and musical Wicked; a lot of kids who've read it or seen it or have the soundtrack know more about the witch's backstory than most adults. It's like the Eve-Lilith thing in the Hebrew Bible. The Wicked Witch started off as cool and independent, then got hinkty and bad stuff happened. The good witch was a foolish trick who got her act together. Allegory for all women? LOL.
Sometimes I feel like my perspective is too jaded, like I'm the only one who thinks that old man comes off like a child molester. I know it was a different time and place and all, but it still makes me wonder.
It all sends such an interesting message to women about what makes a "good" woman and what makes a "bad" woman, doesn't it?
Gosh, that's so kind of you to say. I really really appreciate it, especially today when I feel like Bride of Frankenstein. :)