Controversy! Happy 52nd Birthday To His Purple Badness, Prince!

Prince is 52 today. How in the world did THAT happen?

52 or not, Prince still has "it". Even Twilight's Robert Pattinson is all up on him...

work it out

Prince has brought me some good times and great memories. I can remember being seven or eight, sitting at my grandma's house while my older cousin played a Prince record - and was told to turn it off because it was not for kids. I can remember my grandma saying, "Ain't Prince that little guy that just cusses on records and talks nasty all the time?"

When Purple Rain came out, it seemed like every Caucasian girl at my Catholic elementary school had the record. They were soooo ready to sing, "When Doves Cry" but I don't think they would've have had the courage to step to him if it came down to it, especially not in the '80s.

My first Prince concert wasn't until 2004. I cried like seven times. And as far as a favorite Prince song, well... it's almost impossible to pick a favorite, but I'd have to say "Controversy" would have to be up there:

Yeah, that's my jam!

I hope Prince has a fantastic birthday! Here's to good health and many more years of music!


He's one of the people who inspired me to start the publishing company. He's such a maverick - and has taken his own route any chance he can get. I'm amazed by all he's been able to accomplish.

Happy Birthday Prince - you're a one of a kind.
nick said…
Can't say I'm a fan of Prince, but I keep coming back to look at the seduction scene. Brilliant!
Unknown said…
Favorite Prince song? Adore.
Liz Dwyer said…
A maverick and one of a kind for sure. He's like our generation's Mozart.

I laugh at it every single time I see it. Folks are so crazy over that Twilight guy

Ms. Wooden Shoes,
Ooh, that's a nice one! Gosh, so many good Prince songs.
Sundry said…
A bunch of us from the coffee house where I worked went to see Purple Rain when it came out. My one time sneaking beer into a theater.

And yeah, I wanted a raspberry beret.
Liz Dwyer said…
LOL, Sundry! I wanted a raspberry beret too!
Anonymous said…
I think Prince has always been hugely underappreciated in his songwriting skills especially. I think he would like to know you had wished him a happy birthday. I know I would be.
Kari Carlson said…
Two things:
1) Whenever Prince released something new itdad blasted through the ENTIRE house, on speakers in several rooms, at a level where conversation was impossible. This was my Dad's doing.

2) I belong to a fb group called "365 Things to Avoid in the Twin Cities" and the other day they asked their readers to fill in the sentence: "Once I saw Prince..." It was entertaining. Alas, I've never seen him, anywhere. But my guess is most of the respondents were making up their stories.
First Happy Belated Birthday Prince!

Second, if you take a minute to think about this, MJ would have been the same age in August and instead of celebrating his birthday we will be remembering him on June 25th because it will be the first anniversary of his death.

Third - I love Prince. My first album was the one of him shirtless with the pressed hair...ohbestill my heart! *LOL* Favorite Prince song - Little Red Corvette!