When Chicago Lands in Los Angeles
"Well it winds from Chicago to LA
More than two thousand miles all the way
Get your kicks on Route 66"
Sometimes I joke with people that living in Los Angeles is a little like living on Mars--and not just because folks here sometimes act like they're on another planet.
L.A. is simply too far for most folks to drive for a long weekend and air fare is still sky high. That means we don't get many out-of-town visitors here. Similarly, we don't get back to Chicagoland as much as we'd like to.
We console ourselves by remembering that this is not an episode of Little House on the Prairie--we don't have to wait a year for a letter to arrive giving us news about what's happening back home. Technology makes it easier to keep in touch, but when someone makes the trek to the West Coast and we get to see them in person, we're over the moon.
Our dear friend Dena is visiting from Chicago--she's a superb dancer and she's teaching some classes here--and it is has been so lovely to spend some time with her.
On Saturday, we took her to the Griffith Park Observatory. She snapped a great self-portrait of me with her, and then took one of me, Mr. T, and Mr. O.--who are plotting how they can keep her from returning to Chicago. Dena better be watching out. I may have plots of my own.