Can We Leave This Whore House?

A little bit before 7 p.m. on Friday night my seven year-old, Mr. T, approached my desk at my office. Never mind why I was still at work at 7 p.m. on a Friday night-or why my kids were there-just know that Mr. T rolled up next to my desk while I was talking to one of my co-workers, and blurted out, "Mom, can we leave this whore house?"
Leave this, er, what? Whore house? What in the world?
I expect the child to beg to go to Baskin Robbins. Or maybe say that he's bored. Never in a million years did I anticipate hearing him say anything about a whore house.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my colleague get this total, "Oh snap, Mr. T's in big trouble," look on his face.
I'll admit, I was sooo embarrassed, like a big sign was now hanging over my head, flashing, "Warning! Bad Mom Alert. Her Child Just Said Whore House!" And said it at my JOB, no less!
Since no hole was opening to swallow me up and extricate me from the situation, and I didn't know what to say to him, I stalled for time by asking, "Where did you hear that word?"
His response was typical Mr. T. "Um, I don't know. It just came to me in my head."
Mmm hmm. Seven year old brains don't just sprout "whore house" spontaneously. So I asked another question.
"Do you know what whore house means?" The moment I asked, I regretted it. I really really didn't want to hear T give me his definition of a whore house. But he did.
"Yeah, it's a house where zombies jump out at you and try to scare you and all that stuff."
Um, huh? What? My mind went, "zombies... zombies. whore. zombies. scare. zombies. HORROR HOUSE!"
Relief. But just to be sure, I asked, "Do you mean 'horror house'?"
"Yeah, that's what I said. Whore house." He looked impatient. "Can we leave because I'm getting hungry."
I have no idea what else the child said because I was laughing so hard.
It just goes to show you that what adult ears hear is not always what the child meant.
The End.
I really really needed the laugh at that point in the evening. SO glad for moments like this one, and glad to share.
No, we sure don't! (sometimes I'm glad we don't!)
I'm STILL laughing about this. I think when he's totally grown up, I'll be sharing this with people.
Right? He is a total cheeseball!
It was QUITE a relief! Whew, I can't tell you how much of a relief it was!
Hahaha! Good one!
Me too! ;)
Oh gosh, that is funny! Diet Rite wasn't exactly the best tasting soda, but still!
OK, so it's not just MY kid confusing the two! Whew!