Want to Put Salad Bars in Schools? Shop at Whole Foods on September 9

I conveniently forgot my lunch twice this past week just so I could hit up the salad bar at the Whole Foods Market on Fairfax and 3rd here in Los Angeles. I really had no excuse today but I still went over there--why does their salad always seem so much tastier than one I could make at home? Fortunately I have another excuse to head there tomorrow, Sunday, September 9, and if you live in Southern California, Hawaii, Arizona, or Las Vegas, you should plan to hit up your local Whole Foods Market tomorrow too because it's "Eat Your Greens to Give Some Green" day.

All day for every pound of food we purchase from either the salad bar or the hot food bar on Whole Foods will donate $1 toward putting salad bars in schools. The effort supports their Whole Kids Foundation's "Let's Move Salad Bars to Schools" initiative, which hopes to put salad bars in 6,000 schools nationwide by 2013. More salad in schools so kids have something healthy to eat and more salad in your body--and mine too--is a win-win.

Are you in? I know you are, and take your friends along with you. This is an easy way to help kids get healthy and with childhood obesity rates being what they are--and school lunches being what they are--the kids need all the help they can get!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for Whole Foods Market.
