The Truth, The Whole Truth
Every personal journal I've ever written is in a drawer in my bedroom.
As you might expect, they record events, musings and dreams beginning back in my days as a 12 year-old eighth grader. The volumes go forward from there to the present day.
I intensely dislike the earliest journals and have come close to burning up anything I wrote between the 12 and the age of 20. Trust me, I've had the barbecue grill fired up and a can of lighter fluid ready.
At the last minute, I found I could not burn them. So I doused the flames with the garden hose and watched the wisps of smoke disappear into the haze of Los Angeles. I returned the journals to their drawer.
I don't know why I keep them. Indeed, I rarely crack open the pages of these journals, not even for a nostalgic laugh.
They are the thoughts of a stranger. And when I do pick them up, the words don't make me smile. My journal entries are both disturbing and heartbreaking to me. Even with all the events, wishes and regrets recorded on the page, what always strikes me is how much goes unsaid.
I am unequivocably dishonest in them. Even with myself, I could not commit to paper the true thoughts I had about most things in my life. Everything is veiled, like I was attempting to win a spot in a coded document contest. I don't have the best memory so when I pick up those earliest journals, sometimes I can't even figure out what I was actually doing, thinking and feeling.
However, there were those rare moments when I wrote down what was real. They are easy to identify because I would later go back and black out the words, first with a ball point pen and then with a sharpie.
When I leaf through my journals, there are entire sections that are blacked out. Clearly, I wanted there to be no accidental readings of my thoughts.
Of course, the easiest solution would have been to not write at all. But you might as well ask a bird to cease it's song. I've been writing in one form or another since I was five. How could I stop?
And so black marks streak the pages.
Paranoia? Possibly. But I was under no illusions either. I was too consumed with the fear that someone would pick my journals up, read them and suddenly realize I was not precisely who they thought I was.
I was afraid I would disappoint. Then they would no longer like me. No longer love me. And they might find a way to use my true thoughts and reflections to somehow hurt me.
A couple of months ago a friend asked me at what point in my life I finally became my true self. It is obvious from my journals that as a 21 year-old living in China, I stopped blacking out what I wrote down.
When I leaf through those first, cross-out free journals, I get a chuckle from the occasional disclaimer I threw in for any possible nosy readers. In one journal, I wrote at the very beginning, "If you're reading this and you're not me, how do you know I'm telling the truth?"
I really thought I was clever with that one, didn't I?
Throughout my twenties, the disclaimers disappear until all that remains is the unvarnished truth. But it was often a truth that only lived on paper.
As I get older, I find it's no longer enough to merely write my true self and then live a facade of that truth. No, I have be fully myself whether on paper or in person.
But it's not easy to be 100% honest with yourself, is it?.
And so perhaps I keep those journals in the drawer with their blacked out words as a reminder of an existence that truly was not living. A reminder to never let myself go back to a place that bleeds darkness and secrets.
A reminder to tell the truth.
As you might expect, they record events, musings and dreams beginning back in my days as a 12 year-old eighth grader. The volumes go forward from there to the present day.
I intensely dislike the earliest journals and have come close to burning up anything I wrote between the 12 and the age of 20. Trust me, I've had the barbecue grill fired up and a can of lighter fluid ready.
At the last minute, I found I could not burn them. So I doused the flames with the garden hose and watched the wisps of smoke disappear into the haze of Los Angeles. I returned the journals to their drawer.
I don't know why I keep them. Indeed, I rarely crack open the pages of these journals, not even for a nostalgic laugh.
They are the thoughts of a stranger. And when I do pick them up, the words don't make me smile. My journal entries are both disturbing and heartbreaking to me. Even with all the events, wishes and regrets recorded on the page, what always strikes me is how much goes unsaid.
I am unequivocably dishonest in them. Even with myself, I could not commit to paper the true thoughts I had about most things in my life. Everything is veiled, like I was attempting to win a spot in a coded document contest. I don't have the best memory so when I pick up those earliest journals, sometimes I can't even figure out what I was actually doing, thinking and feeling.
However, there were those rare moments when I wrote down what was real. They are easy to identify because I would later go back and black out the words, first with a ball point pen and then with a sharpie.
When I leaf through my journals, there are entire sections that are blacked out. Clearly, I wanted there to be no accidental readings of my thoughts.
Of course, the easiest solution would have been to not write at all. But you might as well ask a bird to cease it's song. I've been writing in one form or another since I was five. How could I stop?
And so black marks streak the pages.
Paranoia? Possibly. But I was under no illusions either. I was too consumed with the fear that someone would pick my journals up, read them and suddenly realize I was not precisely who they thought I was.
I was afraid I would disappoint. Then they would no longer like me. No longer love me. And they might find a way to use my true thoughts and reflections to somehow hurt me.
A couple of months ago a friend asked me at what point in my life I finally became my true self. It is obvious from my journals that as a 21 year-old living in China, I stopped blacking out what I wrote down.
When I leaf through those first, cross-out free journals, I get a chuckle from the occasional disclaimer I threw in for any possible nosy readers. In one journal, I wrote at the very beginning, "If you're reading this and you're not me, how do you know I'm telling the truth?"
I really thought I was clever with that one, didn't I?
Throughout my twenties, the disclaimers disappear until all that remains is the unvarnished truth. But it was often a truth that only lived on paper.
As I get older, I find it's no longer enough to merely write my true self and then live a facade of that truth. No, I have be fully myself whether on paper or in person.
But it's not easy to be 100% honest with yourself, is it?.
And so perhaps I keep those journals in the drawer with their blacked out words as a reminder of an existence that truly was not living. A reminder to never let myself go back to a place that bleeds darkness and secrets.
A reminder to tell the truth.
It seems that once you got all the way to China, you felt "the coast was clear" and you could stop classifying your documents.
I'm glad you have your journals.
I used to worry someone would read them. Then I stopped editing myself. They are my thoughts. What is the point of keeping one if I can't be honest with myself?
I haven't read any of my early journals. I am actually a little afraid to. My early 20s were a tough time.
One entry said "Dear Ivory, even tho you are my frend. I don't like you. You are meen. By, Tali 1"
I laughed because of the honesty.
Keep those diaries. They are still a part of you and show your progession and growth.
You were/are smart to keep yours.
Thought-provoking post.
Re: Journaling. I often read back though my old journals and find myself feeling embarassed by my thoughts, feelings and actions and have wanted to run away from my past self (burning them wouldn't take away that range of emotion though).
If anyone ever read them...Wow! Well I've learned to reveal the canvas that is me a little at a time, which is why I started blogging.
Do you write a diary now that you're an adult? My sister's diary got read as well. It was very traumatic for her.
I do think you're right about the China thing. I spent so much time there by myself that I really got to know who I was and felt comfortable being myself.
Isn't it funny how we think we're grown at 21? And then you realize years later that you were not as smart or clever as you thought you were. I suppose I'll feel the same way about being in my 30's when I'm in my 50's.
There is such a temptation to sanitize who you are, make yourself out to be a perfect person because you KNOW you're going to die and then some relative is going to be going through your stuff and crack the pages open. I tend to be very big picture what I'm thinking/feeling in mine these days instead of writing down what I wore, what I ate, etc. That would be sort of neat to do.
It is terrifying to read my earliest journals. I was obviously obsessed with Depeche Mode so I write about them quite a bit. That makes me laugh. But those years were quite tough for me as well. It's hard to read what I said or did not say. Yes, if you can't be honest, why write down lies?
No kidding! That's so cute that he's keeping a journal already. I wonder what mine would put in if he decided to write one.
I think I'll keep them because it does make me feel good to know I've evolved, am evolving. But I think I'll add to my will that they should be burnt on my death.
I have thought several times about tossing mine but I couldn't ever do it. Burning them last fall is the closest I've ever come to really getting rid of them.
I think you're right about that. We don't know ourselves really yet. I think I was quite immature, even in my early twenties. Emotionally stunted perhaps. I can remember feeling so torn when I'd write things down because there was a part of me that wanted to just say whatever I wanted and then another part that would whisper, "But you can't!" The one thing is that I was definitely very aware of it my dilemmas around this.
LOL! That is really funny! You need to get someone with some lock picking talents to get those pages open! Your straightforwardness is one of the best parts of who you are. It's really endearing coming from you...but some people it's just annoying! It's like, "Shh, I don't need to know!"
How did this journal reading happen? Up until 28? Wowzer, you have to blog about that. I think reading someone else's journal without permission is such a terrible thing to do.
The Joy,
The worst is the poetry I used to write. I should try to post some of the poems but then you all would never come back and visit my blog! They're a little hilarious because they're so bad. I was always getting dumped by some guy because I wouldn't sleep with him and then I'd be all heartbroken, writing these shockingly bad poems. I almost burned them just because of the poetry!
Anyway, I'm glad you still have yours too.
I'm so glad you came over here! Nice to connect with another LA blogger.
Good point that burning the journals wouldn't take away the past. That past exists whether I wrote it down or not.
I'll come over and visit your blog!
I forgot to say that I have written my response to your Writing Advice meme tag! Check it out HERE
Although my mom once fished a sealed letter I'd written out of the trash and confronted me with it (it was to a boy and what did I mean by "I'll meet you at lunch and you can do anything"...hell, I didn't know. That's why I threw it away) I somehow assumed that my journals would be respected and not looked at.
I actually sometimes wrote to Joe Scholar, the guy I thought would one day find and read my journals with delight and awe. The origins of the famous writer, right here on paper! I had pretty good self esteem back then.
Now recently I've wondered what's going to become of all that paper when I die. To keep this from being depressing, I've gotten a little silly. My best idea so far is to will it to some unfortunate great-niece or great-nephew (I plan to stick around a while) along with enough money to add a small room to their house, to be decorated like a coffee house and lined with my words.
I tried once in high school to stop writing down negative things. Didn't last long!
Glad you have your journals. Really.
Thank you for the valentine wish!!
They're still tucked away in their drawer, no worries! It's so interesting to me how so many folks who kept journals are now bloggers.
I know exactly what you mean. It seems like I was always writing down some game plan for losing weight. It's insane.
Oh good! I'll come over and check it out!
I know too many folks who got their journals read so I never thought they were off limits. Your mom must have freaked about that letter...I don't look forward to those worries!
That is such a good idea to decorate walls with actual journal pages. I still think I'll just ask them to be burned after my death.
Just trying to spread some Valentine good wishes to my peeps!
If truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues, my inability to be honest hurt me in so many ways.
Losing that one had quite an effect on me. I eventually shredded it.
I guess that's odd, though, because I'll snap the occasional nude photo, but I won't keep a journal/diary. Either could be found by others. I'm not sure what makes one a deal-breaker.
Hugs and blessings,
I still have the diaries but I don't have a need to record anything anymore. I just want to live my life and be happy.
I thought of leaving the diaries for my kids (and I still might), but I think the greatest gift I can give them is showing them that despite the complexities and pains of life, it is possible to be happy.
I've been reading your blog for a long time and there is no doubt that you have the honesty thing down.
Off-topic, is anyone else having trouble loading your page since you changed the design? My computer freezes every time and has to be rebooted so I can come back. I have no idea why but I'll do whatever it takes to read your posts.
Hmm... But you know how folks love to accidentally get ahold of your nude photo collection and stick it up on the web. Next thing you know, you'll have a photo montage set to a trance beat up on YouTube. But if that happens, you're a victim, whereas if people read your journal, they're more concerned with what you said/thought about them instead of how they may have violated your privacy.
Oh yes, overdramatic could be my middle name. Normal people don't get get dumped and then tearfully write out the lyrics to the Pet Shop Boys' "Jealousy" in their journal, not once, not twice but three times in a row. Oh my goodness, such ridiculousness when I thank God now that the guy did me that favor to decide I was a "distraction".
Anyway, I carry my current journal around with me and write in it whenever I have a free moment. It's not everyday but I'd like it to be more frequent.
I don't actually know if either of my parents keep journals. I think I'd be too scared to read them. What if they said, "Gosh, we wish we'd never had any kids." Then I'd be scarred for life and have to shell out $$ to therapists just to be even remotely functional.
You're 100% right though. We are a strange bunch.
"I think the greatest gift I can give them is showing them that despite the complexities and pains of life, it is possible to be happy."
Goodness, thank you for saying that! How true, how true!
Oh no! I haven't heard that anyone else is having issues loading the page. That's not good! Are you working with IE or Firefox?
There's a couple of sites that that happens to me with and then if I switch to the other, it's fine. I also just downloaded the newest version of Firefox and right away that fixed a couple of pages that would freeze.
I'm glad you still come over to read what I write because I'm sure that is really annoying! :)
Many of us will never know honesty in it's purest form - we'll have casual acquaintance only with that which masquerades as truth. And to some extent that's fine. It's never making the attempt to get to that level of honest understanding that is a travesty.
Have a beautiful journey Liz. I walk the path with you, but with honesty I'll say I'm a few steps behind.
Would you ever go back to those days? Not me!
I'm using Firefox. I also have Safari but rarely use it because when I post on my own blog, it doesn't have fonts or italics, etc.
I'll try visiting you on Safari next time and see if it's easier.
I'm probably quite a few steps behind where I think I am. Trying is the most any of us can do.
So glad you came over to visit! Oh wow, that is hilarious! So in your journal you say you kissed him but you actually didn't? LOL!
And I'd never go back. Not for anything!
I hope the Safari works out. I'll do a little digging around to see if I can find out anything on how to fix it.