Music Monday: Kraftwerk Makes a Telephone Call

In the hour and a half I slept last night I had a dream with the song "The Telephone Call" by Kraftwerk in it. I used to hear this all the time in 1986 and 1987 because the house music DJs on Chicago's WBMX would mix it into their sets. Those were great times.

I listened to this on repeat all afternoon today--78 times in a row--while I was writing. I had fun mentally picking out parts that remind me of various Depeche Mode songs. But what really surprised me is that when this song came out my 15-year-old self thought it was SO romantic, and now my adult ears think it's about a stalker.

Go ahead and take a listen: stalker or true love? You decide.


I used to LOVE this song.

Having a flashback to great parties in college. There was a Kappa on campus who used to DJ in NYC on the weekends. He played a lot of Kraftwerk.